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Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 41

Researcher 815350

smiley - laugh

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 42


Oh no! I knew this would happen, one person advises me not to worry and another person gives me cause for concern smiley - erm
It's hard enough to do work out the facts when you have a smiley - senior and the smiley - dog in collusion
And then you go into the pet shop and there are (authentic) pork bones for dogs smiley - huh
I gonna need to be armed with evidence to crack this pair! smiley - rolleyes HELP!

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 43

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ...never liked the idea of giving a dog food meant for people. <<

Hmmm... I always felt it was cruel to give them anything some corporate waste recycler called 'dog food' because anything marked 'unfit for human consumption' is equally unfit for a dog you love.

I used to buy a full beef shank sliced across the bone into about eight 'steaks' each approx an inch and a half thick. This would supply my old (late and lamented) dog "Bear" with main courses for a week. Plus all my dinner scraps and bones of course, ice-cream cones, cookies and yes even a share of chocolate on those rare occasions when I felt it was fit for my consumption. smiley - choc My girlfriend of the day used to feed him wieners, one teasing inch at a time. He and I had much in common.

smiley - cheers

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 44

Researcher 815350

Talking about old dogs, can be emotive. I've seen 'family dogs' fed scraps off the plate, and I've seen them get fatter, and fatter.

I've seen an uncle feed his dog cooked lamb on a daily basis, and it's done the dog appear to have diarrhea much of the time.

It's down to an individual how they feed the dog, as long as they keep in mind the dog is unlikely to not eat whatever we present them with, and that we have a duty to provide a well balanced diet.

The only thing you said that worried me slightly was you fed chocolate to a dog?

Theo bromine, an ingredient in chocolate even in small amounts can cause vomiting and restlessness. Larger amounts can be fatal.

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 45

Researcher 815350

Oops. >>> and it's done the dog appear to have diarrhea much of the time. <<<

Try: ... done the dog no favours, it appears to have ...

Blinking editing!

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 46

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ...you fed chocolate to a dog? <<

He liked beer too!
smiley - cheers

Yes, in his later years he was bit slow and overweight but for most of his life he was a solid groundpounding 120 pounds of Newf/Lab/Shepherd/Collie mix (what is known locally as a Nova Scotian black and tan).

By the time he died on the living room rug he weighed about 140 pounds and dragging his fat carcass out to a grave I had dug was a job I wouldn't do twice.
smiley - dog

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 47

Researcher 815350

Beer... I know spomebody that had a dog called "Half Pint." A very gentle character that dog. And yes, that dog liked beer too. smiley - winkeye

I'm glad you posted here ~jwf~, it's brought back memories of time spent with good company.

Should you give sausages to a dog?

Post 48

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - cheers

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