A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
M@splat Started conversation Apr 2, 2000
I've said it mostly in the title!
I recently visited the millenium dome, and pesonally, I reckon (recon? how do you spell it???!!!) it's a load of bull c**p. There is practically nothing there of interest, and everything that was was broken down!
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
M@splat Posted Apr 2, 2000
There's more!!!
we drove around for 1 1/4 hours trying to find the park and ride-half the security guards didn't know where it was! when we got there, most of the stuff was just models in glass cases, there was a blackadder film which I personally liked, but would have been hard for little kids to understand
from the biggest whinger in the world,
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
E'dalethni II Posted Apr 3, 2000
The point was somewhat similar to the Eiffle tower, it was built so that poor sots like you would come around to look at it and spend money doing it.
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
Eeyore Posted May 20, 2000
The point was they had this embarrassingly large amount of money (from the lottery) and didn't know what to do with it. The Dome is only one of the stupid things they've done with the money. They've made hundreds of failed movies that have done nothing for the British film industry, for instance. Watch your papers for more failed projects to show up.
Then, having got the money, they decided on a building. The only architects (in spite of/because of Prince Charles's whingeing) are Modernists, and the Modernist idea of a monumental building is something technically difficult that shows its structure on the outside. So we got a ring of upside-down arches with a tent suspended from it.
You're supposed to be able to see it from space, but as you discovered you can't actually see it from Greenwich.
Then, and only then, they thought about what to put into it. So they formed a committee of the kind of people who chose to fund all those failed movies, the kind of people who agreed that the building itself was wonderful and sat them round a table, and arranging all that took so long that it was embarrassingly late in 1999, so they filled it up with anything they could think of in a big rush (giving vast amounts of money to the builders to encourage them to hurry up and finish the thing in time for the ceremony).
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
Ishtar Posted May 21, 2000
Well I think it's outrageous to spend that amount of public money on a TEMPORARY building to mark the millennium - and then have the brass neck to charge admission. At the very least, we all ought to get free tickets. Not that I'll ever set foot in the place.
To mark the millenium I would have liked to spend the money on something useful and beautiful.
I think we should demand a referendum next time.
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
jamin.r Posted May 22, 2000
It's so there could be new titles for Eastenders (If you're not form the UK then you will probably not know what the hell I'm on about
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Oct 24, 2009
As somewhat excessive mobile phone company adverts go it seems to be doing OK.
I gather they have those 'musicians' in there a lot.
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
Icy North Posted Oct 24, 2009
Bumping this one was a bit unfair, Roymondo!
I wrote A19357419 about the dome and other failed projects, but I've had to update the entry since it was rebranded as the O2.
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Oct 24, 2009
What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism Posted Oct 27, 2009
Apart from Roymondo I recognised 2 ofthe names, neither of which I've seen around for a
ing long time.
It's enough to make you feel , I tell ya!
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What is the point of the millenium dome,and is there anyone out there who likes it?
- 1: M@splat (Apr 2, 2000)
- 2: M@splat (Apr 2, 2000)
- 3: E'dalethni II (Apr 3, 2000)
- 4: Eeyore (May 20, 2000)
- 5: Ishtar (May 21, 2000)
- 6: jamin.r (May 22, 2000)
- 7: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Oct 24, 2009)
- 8: Icy North (Oct 24, 2009)
- 9: Not-so-bald-eagle (Oct 24, 2009)
- 10: Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism (Oct 27, 2009)
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