A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Bilbobilbo Started conversation Apr 23, 2004
Its a lot of hard work for a second or two of pleasure,can we really be bothered?
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355 Posted Apr 23, 2004
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery Posted Apr 23, 2004
You are aware that there are positions you can engage your partner in that will result in less 'work' for you, right?
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Bilbobilbo Posted Apr 23, 2004
Tried em all Nyss,maybe its an age thing?
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Serephina Posted Apr 23, 2004
There's always something you haven't tried..of course being an olympic gymnast would help with some of them
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery Posted Apr 23, 2004
Hmm.. I think you need a combination of a minimal effort position, and something to make you turned-on enough to make it not so laborious. Say, your girl dressed like a
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
azahar Posted Apr 23, 2004
Oh, so this isn't a trick question?
My answer: oh yes!
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Bilbobilbo Posted Apr 23, 2004
I work in a hospital so nurses are'nt that special!
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Teasswill Posted Apr 23, 2004
I'm tempted to say it's an age thing - enjoyable though it can be, most of the time I'd just as soon not bother these days.
Curious to know, was it always an effort, or has it got more so? Is it always the same partner?
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
The Groob Posted Apr 23, 2004
Try dragging yourself and your partner to a sex shop (oh I sound like Dr Ruth). You might er, get some ideas.
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
badger party tony party green party Posted Apr 23, 2004
Its a lot of hard work
So is hill walking, most sports, keeping two dogs to fetch balls that I wouldnt need brought back if I didnt throw them in the first place (throw the that is not the
Reading that's har work too learning the alphabet then phonics then conventions of grammar, why not just stick to watching TV?
A lot of the things we do are hard work maybe the hard work is part of the fun?
for a second or two of pleasure
Oh dear Bilbo, a second or two, crickey.
Sex and food for me are very similar to me, not because I pay women in gresy overalls for both, and not just because both can leave a lot of clearing up to be done either.
See you can have a quick snack a ready meal for one which is fine sometimes, but there is so much more to both than gorging on the end product then feeling bloated and tired.
Thinking about your ingredients, choosing the accompinements to the meal;drinks, music, lighting, what you will wear. Slowly enticing a friend to share in your meal by revealing how you will prpare and present the feast. Savouring together each course:
FIRST COURSE; light with flavours to awaken the palate and enhance your appetitie.
MAIN COURSE; hearty and statisfying with rich robust flavours, succulent and with interesting textures.
DESERT; normally warm sweet and sticky
Then relaxing back while the aromas and tastes still linger
can we really be bothered?
Oh yes my friend!
one love
oh my god Im turning into Swiss Tony
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 23, 2004
Oo, a sex shop.... Don't think we've ever had a meet in a sex shop... yet and, 'yes' it is worth the 'effort'
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
the third man(temporary armistice)n strike) Posted Apr 23, 2004
Bored with sex!! Go and read the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and indulge your machismo
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Xanatic Posted Apr 23, 2004
I`m just starting at the gym again, hoping to get buffed up. It does seem like if you have to spend hours in the gym sweating for it every day, it must be very good to be worth all that trouble.
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery Posted Apr 23, 2004
Xan, you sweet thing, why on earth would you want to buff up to get a girl? All you'll end up with is a girl who goes for buffed-up gym rats .
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
dasilva Posted Apr 23, 2004
at the thought of BB in a blonde toupe and a lounge suit
Of course it's hard work! That's why it's good for you
Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate Posted Apr 23, 2004
oh yes well worth it
proudly still in love with hubby after 6 years
who needs a sex shop when you have an imagination............
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Sex,Is it really worth the Effort?
- 1: Bilbobilbo (Apr 23, 2004)
- 2: Serephina (Apr 23, 2004)
- 3: Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355 (Apr 23, 2004)
- 4: Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery (Apr 23, 2004)
- 5: Bilbobilbo (Apr 23, 2004)
- 6: Serephina (Apr 23, 2004)
- 7: Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery (Apr 23, 2004)
- 8: azahar (Apr 23, 2004)
- 9: Bilbobilbo (Apr 23, 2004)
- 10: Teasswill (Apr 23, 2004)
- 11: The Groob (Apr 23, 2004)
- 12: badger party tony party green party (Apr 23, 2004)
- 13: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 23, 2004)
- 14: Flanker (Apr 23, 2004)
- 15: the third man(temporary armistice)n strike) (Apr 23, 2004)
- 16: Xanatic (Apr 23, 2004)
- 17: F F Churchton (Apr 23, 2004)
- 18: Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery (Apr 23, 2004)
- 19: dasilva (Apr 23, 2004)
- 20: Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate (Apr 23, 2004)
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