A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 21

A Super Furry Animal

Whilst I'm about it...

What the hell is wrong with you tonight?
I can't seem to say or do the right thing

Joe Jackson, Different For Girls

When you're in love you know you're in love no matter what you try to do
You might as well resign yourself to what you're going through

The Human League, Love Action

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 22

badger party tony party green party

I knew a girl named Nikki, I guess you could say she was a sex feind
I met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine.

Darling Nikki, Prince

smiley - rainbow

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 23

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

"Maureen, it's hard to explain. I'm never gonna see you again. And you'll never meet my new friends." Sade, Maureen. smiley - cry to a happy melody.

"I know that I've been mad in love before. And how it could be with you. Really hurt me baby, really hurt me baby. How can have a day without a night." Massive Attack, Unfinished Sympathy.

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 24


I think you'll find its "really hurt me baby, really cut me baby..."

smiley - winkeye

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 25

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

you're right, I didn't notice that, just from listening. smiley - smiley

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 26


Another suburban family morning
Grandmother screaming at the wall
We have to shout above the din of our Rice Krispies

by the tantric Mr String and his band of policemen.


Mamma thinks I'm living in a commune (a secluded little commune) in the Southern part of France.
Mamma doesn't even have an inkling that I'm working in a nightclub in a pair of lacy pants.

from Don't Tell Mamma, in the stage version of Cabaret, but not the fillum.

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 27


The best ever first lines of a song are....

"The first time, I saw your face,
I felt the sun rose in your eyes,
and the moon and the stars were the gift you gave
to my endless night (my love)"smiley - magic

I was also going to put Simon and Garfunkle's Sound of Silence, as they warrent a very close second but that's already been done. You have taste my friend!

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 28

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

What about...

"She wears denim wherever she goes/
Says she's gonna get some records by the Status Quo."

From Teenage Fanclub's "The Concept" smiley - smiley

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 29

Noggin the Nog

Hello? Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.

Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd)

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 30

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

I can't let Noggin do all the Floyd quoting...

us, and them
and after all we're only ordinary men

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 31


In my dreams I can see us in a tight embrace smiley - hug doing all the things that we never really did smiley - smooch
I think I’m in love with you smiley - loveblush
(Snake River Conspiracy – You and Your Friend)

smiley - blackcat

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 32

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

hi Kat! smiley - smooch

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 33


smiley - musicalnote Into the distance; a ribbon of black; stretched to the point of no turning back... smiley - musicalnote

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 34


hi Susanne! smiley - smooch

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 35

Noggin the Nog

Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn.

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 36

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

here's a for you...

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 37

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

that was no song line, unfortunately.

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 38


I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told,
I have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises . . .

(The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel)


The best two opening lines of a song

Post 39


When we die we go into the arms of those who remember us
We’re home now, out of our heads, out of our minds, out of this world, out of this time.
(Bush – Out Of This World)

smiley - blackcat

p.s.: thx for the , Susanne! smiley - blush

The best two opening lines of a song

Post 40

A Super Furry Animal

H-A-T-E is that how you spell "love" in your dictionary?
K-I-C-K pronounced as "kind"?

XTC, Your Dictionary

RFsmiley - evilgrin

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