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Hard times music

Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

During hard times- such as a death or a break-up- there are always those songs you love to listen to.
I really need one.
Recently my friend Andy, 17, died in a tragic car accident. And I've been searching myspace and google for what seems like ever to find a good decent song to dedicate for him.
I have found basically nothing.
They played "I can only imagine" by MercyMe at his funeral- but it seems sort of impersonalish...?
So do any of you have ideas?
Thanks a bunch!

fordsmiley - cheers
R.I.P. Andy Lickly. Aug 7, 1989- April 15, 2007

Hard times music

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

What did he like? Try to think of something by one of his favourite bands/musicians/composers so that there's a personal link.

smiley - rose

Hard times music

Post 3


What about a song he really liked, or something that was playing when you were having fun together? Or from a time in your lives which was good?

Sorry for your loss.


Hard times music

Post 4

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

For hard times in general, the first song that springs to mind is "Everybody Hurts" by REM. Don't know if that would suit your exact purpose, though.

Hard times music

Post 5

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Any song you guys can think of thats sad... it doesnt have to be a specific purpose...
like personally- I think that "my heart will go on" song from Titanic is sad...ish...

haha... Yeah Bicycle was a good song..
and that "Im your daddy" song... but its such a smiling song... if you can get past the laughing :P

thanks guys!

fordsmiley - cheers

Hard times music

Post 6

Mol - on the new tablet

smiley - rose How awful. smiley - hug

"Homeward Bound" by Simon and Garfunkel. Or, indeed, "Bright Eyes" (which is about loss). There's just something about Art Garfunkel's voice.

I don't personally like the Titanic theme song (not a big fan of Celine Dion), but it is one of *those* songs. I found Titanic extremely harrowing to watch (the sinking half of the film, that is, not the smooching half). And about a fortnight after I'd seen it in the cinema, I was doing some housework with Classic FM on, and was astonished to find myself standing in the middle of the room with tears pouring down my face. The music turned out to be ... from Titanic. But I only know that because the announcer said so, when it finished - I hadn't consciously recognised it, just subconsciously.

But different things are sad to different people. I had a boyfriend once who always welled up over "Seasons in the Sun", because of his dad's premature death.

Take care.


Hard times music

Post 7


At Douglas Adams funeral they played Pink Floyd´s Wish You Were Here. That seems a good choice.

Hard times music

Post 8


There's a manic street preachers version of Bright Eyes out there somewhere which is really good.


Hard times music

Post 9

Steve K.

Its probably my part Irish background, but I prefer to celebrate the lives of friends who depart. So no sad songs for me, and I hope my friends do the same when I go. I smile about Janis Joplin leaving a couple of thousand dollars in her will for a party in the event of her death. Which happened at age 27.

On a somewhat similar note, Warren Zevon, when he learned he had a terminal disease, wrote "My Ride Is Here". Last verse:

I was staying at the Weston, I was planning to withdraw.
When in walked Charlton Heston, with the tablets of the law.
He said its still the greatest story, I said man I'd like to stay.
But I'm bound for glory, and I'm on my way.

All lyrics here:


Hard times music

Post 10

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

I can't tell you what to pick - only you (and he) would know what suits. If you want a sad song, then go for it - but if you want to pick a song that reminds you of the good times, don't be afraid to go for that too.

If you're like me, you'll get a feeling in your guts when it's the "right" song. I hope you can find something.

Celebrate the great times you had, and keep them forever in your heart smiley - cheerup.

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