A Conversation for Ask h2g2

At a loss!!

Post 1


I've been here for almost a year now, have had some interesting and funny conversations. Seen interesting threads and learnt alot. Made some good friends aswell.
But just recently i've noticed how quiet this site has become smiley - sadface
Am i the only one thats noticed this?
The people i know, seem to come on here less and less.....and its getting just a little lonely on here now smiley - wah

At a loss!!

Post 2

Just Justin... (ACE)


At a loss!!

Post 3

Just Justin... (ACE)

Nah, honestly, i'd have to agree...

At a loss!!

Post 4

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

I was saying exactly the same only a couple of days ago.
It may pick up again after xmas we wil see.

At a loss!!

Post 5


It has got a bit quieter.. you just need to get around a bit more n chat to some new people smiley - smiley

At a loss!!

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

A lot of the people I used to talk to two and three years ago seem to be gone now. But there is a new pack of people. So there's always someone to chat to. And there's always the Guide Entries to write!

At a loss!!

Post 7

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - santa
This is my fourth Xmas online at h2g2 and yes, it happens every year at this time.

smiley - holly Xmas exams and holidays disrupt the usual student population. Other folks are shopping or travelling for the holidays. And a significant number who live in the northern regions are suffering a seasonal disorder called SAD which is a kind of clinical depression caused by the lack of daylight.

But they always come back after New Years, so be of good cheer! smiley - cheers

At a loss!!

Post 8


Im new to this ,although i have known the site for sometime,it took me ages to re register,i am finding my way around,and found that everyone i have replied to have replied back,i am an ex Ld user,Peeps are realy helpful and friendly,iam busy at this time of the year,with christmas coming up,and i work at a GP surgery,so its always busy,but i find coming in here,if only for a few mins,helps me wind down,there is always something interesting to read,and brows thru smiley - hollyMERRY CHRISTMAS everyonexxSandra

At a loss!!

Post 9


Re post 6
yes i wrote a guide entry..ooooh quite a while ago now...whats happened to it....nothing! After the intital corection on typos etc, and adding some more details on request, it just sits there and no more has been said smiley - erm

I'm glad its not just me that ht has noticed this smiley - smiley
Hopefully it'll pick-up in the new year smiley - smiley

At a loss!!

Post 10

Just Justin... (ACE)

I've actually been off H2G2 since about april this year, and have only been on it regularly in the last month or so... Probably because i've been too busy with school, but hey, that's finished now smiley - smiley


At a loss!!

Post 11

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Yep ,It has been slower....

I am also expecting things to pick up next month.
I hopesmiley - smiley

At a loss!!

Post 12


Does that mean you'll be on here 24/7? smiley - yikes
Its mostly evenings i'm here, and on my days off...oh and when i can't sleep!! smiley - yawn

Do you think that maybe some of the the 'quietness' has something to do with all the errors we keep getting? smiley - sadface

At a loss!!

Post 13


does anybody know where i left my chickensmiley - huh

At a loss!!

Post 14

Just Justin... (ACE)

Oh dear... no, looking at what i just wrote... i think that will easily be mis-interpreted...

At a loss!!

Post 15



*cue scantily dressed background dancers*

smiley - biggrin

any news on my chicken.

At a loss!!

Post 16

Just Justin... (ACE)

Ah yes... recently, H2G2 has been running rather slowly (even with cable internet!)
and quite often, error messages come up... someone said that it was a server problem before...

At a loss!!

Post 17

Just Justin... (ACE)

Your chicken, eh?
What flavour is it?

At a loss!!

Post 18


asparagus...you seen him?

At a loss!!

Post 19

Just Justin... (ACE)

Asparagus... Hmmm...
I don't recall seeing any chicken of that flavour recently, but i'll keep my eyes peeled for it

At a loss!!

Post 20


Maybe that should be 'what flavour WAS it?' smiley - evilgrin

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