A Conversation for Ask h2g2
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Started conversation Sep 25, 2003
me? i would love to travel around Europe and the U.S.
has anyone already done this?
and iwould also love to get aout of this office job
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 25, 2003
so everyone just wants to stay exactly where they are and wait for the next post? it doesn't have to be a big aspiration, it could be 'i aspire to one day water that plant'
whats your aspirations?
Ballynac Posted Sep 25, 2003
I want to write a book! I have three (great) ideas and one day, when finances permit, I'm going to pack in the job and write them and be famous!
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 25, 2003
good for you! i'll look out for a book by Ballynac in the furture!
you can have a toffee for replying to me!! they help you think about stuff, so start writing now!
whats your aspirations?
Ballynac Posted Sep 25, 2003
Usually when I have a toffee, all it helps me think about is how my teeth are sticking together and how I must remember not to eat toffee!
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 25, 2003
then one of you're books could be about how to avert yourself frm eating toffee...?
whats your aspirations?
Ballynac Posted Sep 25, 2003
Well one of my ideas was about lots of weddings - perhaps it could be that all the weddings were merely a way to distract from eating toffee! sounds plausible to me!!
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 25, 2003
i would definetly read something along those lines...as long as it did come with a free bag of toffee's so that you could practice averting yourself from them while reading?
whats your aspirations?
Agapanthus Posted Sep 25, 2003
I want to write books too. Does that entitle me to a toffee or as second comer, is all I get a 'hello'?
I could do with a hello though.
Other aspirations - wash up before partner gets home. Water the Aralia Elegantissima. Learn how to sing. Finish my incipient niece's hand-knitted baby-gro before she gets too big to wear it. Go on a clothes shopping spree (I start work next week and my entire wardrobe consists of bobbly fleeces, jeans, and tee-shirts with holes in). Finish my first novel. Own a cat - I miss having cats. Make new friends.
whats your aspirations?
Ridiculous Chicken†- a very absurd little bird Posted Sep 25, 2003
As soon as I read the first post, I decided I'd reply saying I'd like to write a book - then I realised that the first 2 other ppl had exactly the same idea! I've nearly finished the 5th chapter of my first novel, it falls into no genre whatsoever except "extreme randomness"!
I'd also like to be able to play the piano really well - so far I've managed to teach myself to play a few Beatles songs on a decidedly ancient keyboard with only 19 keys!
whats your aspirations?
Teuchter Posted Sep 25, 2003
To get through a day at work without wanting to do painful things to the numpties I have to work with.
whats your aspirations?
SomeMuppet Posted Sep 25, 2003
I want to write a book, see my daughter successful and watch the 49ers play at 3-com park (was candlestick but the ditched that)
After that win the lottery and go back to uni to finish my degree
whats your aspirations?
Ballynac Posted Sep 26, 2003
Seems everyone wants to write a book. We're so creative!! I would also love to get proper singing lessons and I want to go to Antarctica.
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 26, 2003
i'd also like to get really into art again, it seems to have all dropped off since i finished my course a few months ago...so i wanna be a travelling artist, carrying around everybodies novels and a laptop to tell you all how talented you are!
whats your aspirations?
Researcher 245624 Posted Sep 26, 2003
I'd like to write a book, too. Actually, I've already written two, I'm well on the way to finishing a third with my wife, and I'm going to start a fourth before christmas. Nothing published yet, though....deeply untalented, or not struck it lucky yet? Hmmmmm. Bit of both, maybe?
Anyway, failing becoming a hugely successful author, I aspire to be King of the universe. Y' never know.
whats your aspirations?
Ballynac Posted Sep 26, 2003
Well I already am the centre of the universe and I'm in need of a good king to whom I can delegate duties! What are your qualifications?
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 26, 2003
do i get any royalties for bringing you together?
whats your aspirations?
Ballynac Posted Sep 26, 2003
Well Footbacon, as centre of the universe, I'm actually not just looking for a king, I'm thinking of a whole feudal system, with a royal court and everything. Would a decent peerage be to your liking - I'm thinking you could be a duke of something at least! Any suggestions!
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 26, 2003
i'd be a dukess! or the queen! o not the queen, that'd make me too frumpy yeah, i'll be a dukess please, or a Lady, that'd be nice, but could i be knighted to be a Lady?
whats your aspirations?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 26, 2003
ooh, quote just came into my head! "i'm a ladeee, i like kittens and pretty thing and swimming in lakes with my dress on" "you're a very lovely lady ain'tcha?"
Key: Complain about this post
whats your aspirations?
- 1: Baconlefeets (Sep 25, 2003)
- 2: Baconlefeets (Sep 25, 2003)
- 3: Ballynac (Sep 25, 2003)
- 4: Baconlefeets (Sep 25, 2003)
- 5: Ballynac (Sep 25, 2003)
- 6: Baconlefeets (Sep 25, 2003)
- 7: Ballynac (Sep 25, 2003)
- 8: Baconlefeets (Sep 25, 2003)
- 9: Agapanthus (Sep 25, 2003)
- 10: Ridiculous Chicken†- a very absurd little bird (Sep 25, 2003)
- 11: Teuchter (Sep 25, 2003)
- 12: SomeMuppet (Sep 25, 2003)
- 13: Ballynac (Sep 26, 2003)
- 14: Baconlefeets (Sep 26, 2003)
- 15: Researcher 245624 (Sep 26, 2003)
- 16: Ballynac (Sep 26, 2003)
- 17: Baconlefeets (Sep 26, 2003)
- 18: Ballynac (Sep 26, 2003)
- 19: Baconlefeets (Sep 26, 2003)
- 20: Baconlefeets (Sep 26, 2003)
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