A Conversation for Ask h2g2

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 61

Mu Beta

I beg to differ. At least it's possible to turn Kriss Kross off.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 62

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Has anyone ever tried turning Uncle Heavy off? It might work. Or then again, it might have terrible, unforeseen ramifications.

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 63

Mu Beta

Unfortunate use of the word 'ramifications' there, I feel.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 64

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - huhsmiley - erm



My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 65


I've never heard of Kriss Kross before but I still found the sound of them a lot more disturbing than Uncle Heavy's comments.

smiley - run

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 66

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i wasnt having a fiddle. my zipo just gets stuck at the bottom, which makes doing it back up into a hassle. plus it was 2 years ago mr b. you werent even a twinkle in hootoos eye then smiley - tongueout

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 67


smiley - bigeyes

So what happened with the zip then?

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 68

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I imagine he let the breeze whistle 'round smiley - whistle.

smiley - ale

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 69

Mu Beta

That's a very short whistle, then...


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 70


I've heard that some once pointed out to Churchill that his fly was open. To which he replied "No worry. Old birds never fall far from the nest."

Can't quite decide whether thats actually funny or not.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 71


Bit disturbing really.

But I want to know : was the zip fixed or not?

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 72

Mu Beta

My zip?


But I am currently sat with a laptop on my groinal regions, so it's not a problem right now.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 73


Err... you did here the story about the man who got a very painful burn doing that, didn't you?


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 74

Mu Beta

smiley - yikes

No - was it a heat burn, or a radiation burn. smiley - erm


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 75


Heat, I believe. I'll go and see if I can find the story.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 76


Got it:


smiley - yikes

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 77


Isn't that like, the recent net urban legend?

My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 78

Mu Beta

Hmmm...I tend to notice when my nob's getting warm, personally.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 79


Well, the reports reference a letter in The Lancet. And such a letter exsist on http://www.thelancet.com though you've got to register to be able to read it, and the letter uses suitably medical language. So I'm inclined to believe it is true.

I would copy it here, but I think that might break copyright, so I'm loathe to.


My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!

Post 80


Safety pins near the crotch are always a little scary... I found a cool new invention online called ZipperAde that works great for me. No more safety pins, rubber bands, teist ties, etc... It works perfectly, and was really cheap. Check it out.

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