A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Digital SLR or 35mm film SLR camera?

Post 241

Researcher 815350


Opinions on this product plese.

Digital SLR or 35mm film SLR camera?

Post 242


It´s shiny.

Digital SLR or 35mm film SLR camera?

Post 243


In my opinion about the best around £500, the Sony corps are new at the camera market the cure was to buy Minolta the best maker of this type of camera.
This is top notch some nerds wont agree but whilst they are looking up the f-stops the will miss the point … fantastic photographs.

My opinion if you like it and it feels like an extension of your hand Buy It smiley - smiley

Digital SLR or 35mm film SLR camera?

Post 244


From http://www.knowyourdslr.com/dslrreviews/65445/sony_a350_dslr_review.html

Noise reduction leads to smearing at ISO1600 and above
Tardy continuous shooting
Poor viewfinder ergonomics
Pricey lenses & accessories

Digital SLR or 35mm film SLR camera?

Post 245

Researcher 815350

Thank you. smiley - smiley

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