A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's It like outside your window...

Post 1


Over in Lincolnshire, the majestically flat fens, the weather is bloody awful! Thick mist/fog everywhere! smiley - sadface
Is it like this all over Britain? Whats the weather like overseas? Go on, make us jealous!

What's It like outside your window...

Post 2

Noggin the Nog

It's actually quite nice here. (Wales)
It's been not raining since yesterday, and it isn't due to start again until tomorrow morning. Almost a record! smiley - smiley


What's It like outside your window...

Post 3


Its been murky over here for almost a week now, with intermittent periods of a weak, watery sun poking shamefully over the clouds.
I feel a bit cheesed off with winter. Its no fun! We don't even get good snowstorms any more. I'm going to write to my local MP about this!smiley - winkeye

What's It like outside your window...

Post 4


It's night outside, so the first thing I see outside the window is a reflexion of myself and the garden behind. Then, if I get closer, I can see the sky, with some light grey clouds and a plane with red and green lights. The trees are also there, as usually, and the sound of the street behind the house.

What's It like outside your window...

Post 5


I'm wondering if I'll survive cycling home on my bicycle tonight what with this 'orrible fog!smiley - erm

What's It like outside your window...

Post 6


Welll...we have rooftops (I live in a flat), and the sky has a slight purple haze to it, owing to the Bristol City football ground floodlights, and other light pollution. The fog from earlier has cleared, so there is a lot of nice little suburbia houses, streetlights, and close-together roads.

Outside my bedroom window, are cramped gardens of various levels, hedges, green green grass, and my neighbours windows, which when lit, means I can spy on them... smiley - devil

What's It like outside your window...

Post 7


Have you seen anything good recently fro your balcony (nudge nudge wink wink)smiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

What's It like outside your window...

Post 8


I'm at work. But at home, I have a river at the bottom of the garden, and a public footpath beyond that. You see allsorts going on down there. People walking dogs, dogs walking people, ducks, dogs chasing ducks, ducks chasing bread, rats eating bread, etc.

What's It like outside your window...

Post 9

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

It's an absolutely gorgeous day in the Appalachian Highlands of Virginia in the US... just slightly on the chilly side, and most of the leaves have turned and fallen already. smiley - zen

Unforunately, right outside my window are construction vehicles and lots of mud - my building is still being worked on. smiley - tongueout

What's It like outside your window...

Post 10


Sounds great! Are you having a house built?

What's It like outside your window...

Post 11

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Nah, I'm in a university dormitory that's livable but not totally finished being worked on yet. (ie, the inside's done, but the outside is a mess - still putting the porch and back patio together)

What's It like outside your window...

Post 12


It was nice and sunny here in Bournemouth this morning, but when I emerged from four hours of lectures the sky had dissappeared - as had everything else, as a matter of fact. It seems the clouds have become so lazy that they're just billowing around at ground level and not staying in their proper place at all. It is also too cold.

What's It like outside your window...

Post 13


Chronicargonaut - Now that would be telling. And illegal I believe...

What's It like outside your window...

Post 14

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

It's bloomin' HOT outside my window! smiley - headhurts

Something like 40-odd deg C yesterday, and similar temperatures today.

smiley - wah I hate summer!

What's It like outside your window...

Post 15


Where the heck are you? Austrailia?

Sorry. The concept of *summer* in November...smiley - weird

What's It like outside your window...

Post 16

Jolly Roger

Well over here on the other side of the pond, in the northeast it hasn't rained for a week and before that nor rain for three weeks. Since I used to live by the water I know what fog is but have not actually seen any for quite some time. Is the weather over the reason for some of the great comedy that has some Britian?

What's It like outside your window...

Post 17

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

It's done nothing but rain here for the past month here in Virginia.

Stupid monsoon season. smiley - tongueout

What's It like outside your window...

Post 18

Wand'rin star

Hong Kong 3.30pm Very bright sunshine; I've had to pull the blinds down a bit so that I can see my computer. About 26degrees. Last day of teaching today - fantastic smiley - star

What's It like outside your window...

Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

The sun will be rising soon. It's 8am. It's actually not raining at the moment and Venus is really bright in the East.

What's It like outside your window...

Post 20

Garentee - Ruler of Uterly Hopeless Romantics

It's warm here. (About 25 degrees C) A cool gentle breeze is blowing in through the window behind me. The breeze isn't even enough to rustle the trees, just slowly moving air. Very nice. smiley - cool

Only thing spoiling it is the people downstairs with a stupid blower thing are about to make a racket again. smiley - sadface (Been going on for 3 days.)

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