A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 21


Could somebody also recommend an e-mail? I want a free e-mail like hotmail, just not hotmail. A friend of mine's company blocks all those. So some free e-mail company that won't spam you from here to eternity.

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 22

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

Unfortunatly I may be of no help saying this, because the program I am using is Germany-based and I don't know if it's possible to use it elsewhere at all... Anyway, it's free, I use it for about 2 1/2 years now and they still are keeping the amount of ads they are sending to their users to a very small level. Have a look at www.web.de then, in case you'd like to have a try.

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 23

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Well now, it seems that Opera can help out with email too smiley - biggrin


smiley - ok

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 24

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

*has to have a look immediatly*

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 25


Had to, for reasons I've not managed to work out, reinstall Opera today. In the interim (like, 2 hours), I went back to IE6 - and HATED it. It's soooooooooooooo slow, popup ads are everywhere and you can't kill them, every page loads all its graphics whether I want them or not, I have to go to the toolbar to go "back" instead of the lovely right-left "cli-click" you can do in Opera - in short, I had to have Opera back!

The only downside I've found to it is that the snazzy moving text on my h2g2 personal space (plug plug, lots of amusing links, go there, I guarantee something will make you laugh) doesn't move in Opera and I've no idea why.

But it's a small price to pay. Another vote for Opera, 6.05.


Recommend a browser , please!

Post 26

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

As to cookie management (and other features) for Opera, just google for O4FE.EXE and see what you can find smiley - smiley

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 27

njan (afh)

my 2p's worth.. www.eudoramail.com for webmail; mozilla as my browser, and I'm happy. smiley - smiley (mozilla with the 'little mozilla' skin, with no text being displayed, just buttons and an address bar)

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 28


of course an obvious place to go for webmail is http://www.beeb.net/ who do a reasonable service.

Recommend a browser , please!

Post 29


Mozilla is far the best browser in my opinion. The latest stable build is 1.2.1 and it's been fine for me. As far as support of standards goes, Mozilla is upto date. The reason some pages don't work, or wont allow you to view them unless you're using IE is not because IE has some extra functionality that other browsers lack, it's because MS have added their own little features to some web standards. Some people decide or don't realise they're writing browser-specific code and when they test their site and it's broken on other browsers they just stick up a message saying "upgrade" to Internet Explorer.

Mozilla is defined as a dev. platform not because it's not a good piece of software, just because there's no support for end-users and it's not expected to be popular or whatever, that's Netscape's job (who'll eventually get the code).

For the person who wanted free web-mail try inbox.net, I haven't used it in ages but it used to be pretty good.

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