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50 Places to see before you die
Z Posted Nov 23, 2002
oooh I know that I'm being nasty and critical here, but take it from me, "anywhere in Scotland" includes some rather unpicturesque industrial towns.. I'm not naming them becuase you can garentee one of there residents will post a long angry post at why you should visit..
Oh and Athen's isn't the nicest place it Greece it can be a bit dusty.. but there is some important achetechure there.. (I can say that my Mum's from athens!) do take the time to visit the rest of Greece.
My list from my limited travels is..
"Sienna all if it.."
"Chinati in Tuscany" also have some of their wine whilst you're there - gourgous.
The view from the top of the Dorma in Florence.
Krackow. in southern Poland..
In the Uk (which I know a little better)
Morfa Nefyn in Cardigan Bay Wales..
Llandudno for a day, quiet dignified sort of vicotoria holiday resort..
Blackpool you just have to have gone there once!
Ardnamuchan, one of the most desolate parts of Scotland.
The Isle of Mull as well as Isle of Skye
The Mull of Kintyre, (if you stay long enough to stop humming that song!)
The National Gallery, IMHO a better experience than some of the great European art galleries.
There's no Queue, (unlike the Uffizi)
There's no loud tour guides (unlike the Vatican musem)
People don't crowd around the famous pieces
there's enough peace and quiet to enjoy the art
The security guards are helpful and knowledgeable.
50 Places to see before you die
Z Posted Nov 23, 2002
And another one
Harleach castle well it may not be the grand canyon but I like it. Castles are amazing places to visit, You can spend hours wandering around imagining the history.
50 Places to see before you die
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Posted Nov 23, 2002
As I'd said, I'm an untravelled American - though I'd rather find out such things for myself.
On my limited travel experience, I do have:
NY - Long Island, Manhatten (x1)
Philadelphia (x5)
Washington, DC (x3) - mostly just the museums on the Mall, though.
OC New Jersey (x3)
Baltimore (inner harbor and the rest of the city) (harbor x2, city x1)
Blue Ridge Parkway/ Blue Ridge Mountains/ Appalachian Mountains (Pa/Va/WV/Md) (x too many to count)
Amish country (ie, Lancaster Pa - what can I say, I live there)
Not much, not all that cool and all in the same basic area... but I'm only 20 so give me time...
50 Places to see before you die
Z Posted Nov 23, 2002
If I've ruined it for you.. do go to all the places you want to go and ignore people who tell you that you won't like them.... because you'll never know what you like until you go.. gosh I sound like a patronising experienced traveller don't I?
50 Places to see before you die
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Posted Nov 23, 2002
You're not... I just like to decide things for myself.
And Scotland should be fine any way you look at it - my boyfriend and I are going when I'm visiting him in England next summer... sometimes it's all about who you're with.
50 Places to see before you die
kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony> Posted Nov 23, 2002
this is my husband's list
Bat caves in Australia
The Great Barrier Reef
The most desolute region of Russia
The antarctic
The North Pole
Norwegian Fiords. Machu Pichou (Forgive the spelling)
The Hymilayas
The most difficult terrains and climates that the human race cannot comfortably live in year round
Now back to the wife- The Florida Everglades
The Grand Canyon
The Mayan ruins in Mexico
The Pyramids in Egypt
South 'Africa
50 Places to see before you die
kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony> Posted Nov 23, 2002
this is my husband's list
Bat caves in Australia
The Great Barrier Reef
The most desolute region of Russia
The antarctic
The North Pole
Norwegian Fiords. Machu Pichou (Forgive the spelling)
The Hymilayas
The most difficult terrains and climates that the human race cannot comfortably live in year round
Now back to the wife- The Florida Everglades
The Grand Canyon
The Mayan ruins in Mexico
The Pyramids in Egypt
South 'Africa
50 Places to see in Europe before you die
PQ Posted Nov 26, 2002
The chapel on the hill on the harbour at Ilfracombe, North Devon.
Boscastle - just up the road from Tintagel in North Cornwall and *much* nicer.
The top of the Anglican cathedral and inside the catholic cathedral (paddy's wigwam) in Liverpool - oh and inside the library on William Brown St too that dome is amazing and noone knows about it and it smells like libraries should.
Harrod's Food hall (or a similar food hall <yum>
Another opportunity to plug the SuperLambBanana ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/95713.stm ) Sorry but I just love this link/statue/p**stake.
I'll second Llandudno...but Blackpool?? Bleugh only to make sure that everyone has experienced hell . Southport is much nicer - albeit full of nutty old folks who beleive that hilters daughter (?) should rule the world
All theatres and old fashioned cinema's everywhere...I love these places (the neptune in L'pool is nice as is my cinema the Plaza in Crosby (it's not really mine..but it does belong to the community so I'm claiming the third seat from the middle fourth row back on the balcony in screen 1)).
Osmington Mill's Dorset...great place, fantastic geology (I could bore you to death about the clays) and a lovely pub selling lovely food/drinks (but avoid the coke).
Ingleton, Yorkshire...see above but the pubs sell nicer coke.
50 Places to see in Europe before you die
Gubernatrix Posted Nov 26, 2002
I'll second Tintagel.
St Petersburg: The procession of boats down the Neva at 1am on the shortest night of the year.
Moscow: the view from the ferris wheel in Gorky Park.
Tallinn: view from the top of the hill overlooking the old town and the bay at sunset.
Bratislava: view from castle hill across the Danube to Petrzalka - concrete tower-blocks as far as the eye can see. Not exactly beautiful but fascinating all the same. (feel like I need to defend Bratislava - it's not just tower blocks, there's a beautiful old town as well!)
Stockholm: take a ferry ride through the archipelago
Hebrides: The beach on the west coast of the island of Berneray - on a good day you can see New York....
50 Places to see in Europe before you die
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Nov 26, 2002
Icehotel in JukkasjÀrvi, Sweden
I can't believe I almost forgot about that one - considering I even wrote an entry: A756047
I believe the best time for a visit is February to April - by the end of January the artists will have finished the interior decorations, and by the end of April it'll start melting down
50 Places to see in Europe before you die
The Fairy Melusine Posted Nov 26, 2002
The game parks of Africa on horseback.
My cousin told me that what made this amazing was the fact that the animals react completely differently to riders then to people in jeep. You can get a lot closer. He had never ridden before he went (his bride is a keen horsey type), but now you cannot keep him out of the saddle.
50 Places to see before you die
zendevil Posted Dec 7, 2002
Hydra, a little Greek island where the only transport allowed is by foot or on a donkey (Leonard Cohen wrote "Suzanne" here)
Lake Malawi,Africa
Cwm Dylyn, Snowdonia,Wales
50 Places to see before you die
kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony> Posted Dec 7, 2002
Did I mention the ukon, Alaska, Uganda, Victoria Falls, the Amazonn River, The Zambezi, Kasese, Uganda,
everglades in Florida, the Norwgian Fiords,The most northern outpost of Ireland, Harris and Lewis
50 Places to see before you die
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Dec 7, 2002
From my own travelling in Europe:
Athens - it may be hot, it may be dusty, but it's ATHENS and it has the Acropolis.
Rome - esp. the Forum
San Gimignano
Transylvania - not just Brasov, all of it!
West Cornwall's moors
Eden Project
The Trossachs
The Lake District
If you're including outside Europe the list gets even longer!
(and the list of places I'd like to see is longer again)
50 Places to see before you die
Thorsman Posted Dec 8, 2002
>Transylvania - not just Brasov, all of it!
Especially the ruins at Poenari (Vlad Tepes' real castle!)
50 Places to see before you die
Ferino Posted Dec 9, 2002
West Cork, Ireland is great. If you want an idea of it before you get there, read McCarthy's Bar. It's hilarious.
Also the north coast of Co. Donegal. (I'm sure the rest of it is equally good, but I'm not so familiar with it.)
50 Places to see before you die
Demon Drawer Posted Dec 10, 2002
Glad I saw Cowgate in Edinburgh before it may never be the same again.
50 Places to see before you die
Ferino Posted Dec 10, 2002
I know, it's so sad. I just moved back home from Edinburgh in the summer and can't imagine what it must be like down there now. I've been told that the firefighters found lots of little alleyways that nobody knew existed and now they're completely destroyed.
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50 Places to see before you die
- 21: Z (Nov 23, 2002)
- 22: Z (Nov 23, 2002)
- 23: Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. (Nov 23, 2002)
- 24: Z (Nov 23, 2002)
- 25: Z (Nov 23, 2002)
- 26: Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. (Nov 23, 2002)
- 27: kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony> (Nov 23, 2002)
- 28: kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony> (Nov 23, 2002)
- 29: Ballynac (Nov 26, 2002)
- 30: PQ (Nov 26, 2002)
- 31: Gubernatrix (Nov 26, 2002)
- 32: Titania (gone for lunch) (Nov 26, 2002)
- 33: The Fairy Melusine (Nov 26, 2002)
- 34: zendevil (Dec 7, 2002)
- 35: kasese<a rather confused individual, desperately seeking Harmony> (Dec 7, 2002)
- 36: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Dec 7, 2002)
- 37: Thorsman (Dec 8, 2002)
- 38: Ferino (Dec 9, 2002)
- 39: Demon Drawer (Dec 10, 2002)
- 40: Ferino (Dec 10, 2002)
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