A Conversation for Ask h2g2
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Started conversation Sep 24, 2002
The USS Victoria NCC 2153-E
(http://www.ussvictoria.co.uk )
Star Trek Fan Club proudly presents...
Vicky-Con 2002
A Charity One Day Star Trek / Science Fiction Convention
In Aid Of "The Beacon Centre For The Blind" and "The Acorns Children's Hospice".
The Date: 28th September 2002
The Time: 10am till 4pm
The Place:
Bilston Baptist Church
Prouds Lane
Special Guest: Anthony Thacker
(Author of A Closer Look at Science Fiction)
And Introducing: The USS Victoria Klingon Combat Display Team!!
Other activities include: Star Trek Look-alikes, Dealer Tables, Computer Games, and Video Rooms.
It's all for charity and none profit making, so come along and have fun!!
For further information, please visit www.ussvictoria.co.uk
For a map to the event, please click here:
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Whisky Posted Sep 24, 2002
The server included you close brackets in the link
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Posted Sep 24, 2002
Thank you
Hope the beep don't mind me posting an advert.... but it's all for charadee mate so hopefully it'll be ok
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Posted Sep 24, 2002
I've no idea how many hootoo'ers live near enough to Wolverhampton to make it, but any publicity is good publicity!!
Worth a try...
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Posted Sep 24, 2002
*Blatantly pushes this back to the top of the list*
*Considers doing this everytime it drops off the 1st page until Saturday morning*
!!Star Trek Convention!!
hazelnut Posted Sep 26, 2002
Don't live near Birmingham but my Nan lives in Dudley and I think that is farely close.
Love Star trek might just pop along if I have recovered from moving house!
Hey might be just the thing to destress me!
!!Star Trek Convention!!
hazelnut Posted Sep 26, 2002
Just read the date again and it is the day I am moving in never mind.
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Posted Sep 26, 2002
Oh well.
A photo of some of us appeared in the Black Country Evening Mail on Tues 24th. We've been in quite a few papers the last few days actually
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Posted Sep 27, 2002
Arrrgggg this time tomorrow we'll have been open for an hour!!
Got to spend a few hours tonight getting the hall ready
!!Star Trek Convention!!
Hooloovoo Posted Sep 27, 2002
Right then this is the last time I'll be pushing this thread to the top, so you'll all be able to forget about it after the weekend.
With just 17 hours and 45 minutes to go before the grand opening, I'm off to finish the preparations.
Hope to see some of you there!!
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!!Star Trek Convention!!
- 1: Hooloovoo (Sep 24, 2002)
- 2: Whisky (Sep 24, 2002)
- 3: Hooloovoo (Sep 24, 2002)
- 4: Whisky (Sep 24, 2002)
- 5: Hooloovoo (Sep 24, 2002)
- 6: Lurcher (Sep 24, 2002)
- 7: Hooloovoo (Sep 24, 2002)
- 8: Hooloovoo (Sep 24, 2002)
- 9: Hooloovoo (Sep 25, 2002)
- 10: Whisky (Sep 25, 2002)
- 11: Hooloovoo (Sep 25, 2002)
- 12: hazelnut (Sep 26, 2002)
- 13: hazelnut (Sep 26, 2002)
- 14: Hooloovoo (Sep 26, 2002)
- 15: Hooloovoo (Sep 27, 2002)
- 16: Hooloovoo (Sep 27, 2002)
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