A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Adam's Apple

Post 1


Erm...what is an Adams Apple anyway?

Adam's Apple

Post 2


Just one of the few things that distinguishes a man from a woman. smiley - winkeye

It's that little thing that bobs up and down in a male throat as he speaks, swallows, etc.

Adam's Apple

Post 3


But why is it called ADAM's Apple? Eve scoffed it first... (and technically, it wasn't even an apple)

Adam's Apple

Post 4


Adam's (Because Eve didn't have one. smiley - winkeye)

Apple (Ever go bobbing for apples? smiley - bigeyes)

Adam's Apple

Post 5


yeah yeah, but it must serve a purpose - some masculine thing I assume. What's it for and why haven't women got one?

Adam's Apple

Post 6

Researcher 56008

Men and women have different Vocal cords, listen carefully and you may find that the sound different, as well as look different.

Adam's Apple

Post 7


well bless you for that, they're definitely, irrefutably vocal cords then? So when a male transexual moves over to the world of fem - they shrink do they, or what...

Adam's Apple

Post 8

Researcher 56008

Depends how good the Job is. In my experience transexuals who have a very feminine voice (eg. Jackie from BBC's Paddington Green) have less of an Adam's apple than transexuals who still sound very masculine (eg. Faye Presto the not so famous magician)

Adam's Apple

Post 9

Doctor Smith

I seem to remember reading somewhere that women do indeed have Adam's Apples. It's just that they typically have more fat on their necks (forgive me, ladies, I'm merely reporting what I've read) than men do, so their Adam's apples don't show. I may be wrong, though.

Adam's Apple

Post 10


I am not of the medical profession, so take my words for what they're worth. smiley - smiley
Here's what i know:

Everyone, male or female, has a thyroid cartilage.
The thyroid cartilage is composed of 2 laminae, left and right.
The right and left laminae fuse anteriorly in the midline.
The angle of fusion is more acute in the male and forms the laryngeal
prominence (Adam's apple) after puberty.

You can check http://numedsun.ncl.ac.uk/~nds4/tutorials/larynx/text/p1ot.html for a
picture and explanation of the local anatomy, or http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/duong/neck.html
for a more in-depth text.

Having the apparent function of protecting the thyroid gland, there seems to be no functional difference
between the male and female cartilages.

There are reported cases of the thyroid gland in men having been surgicaly "shaved", i.e., having cartilage tissue removed from its upper anterior portion, for cosmetic, purposes, and the procedure seems to have no negative effects on the subject. Voice tone is supposedly not changed by this procedure.

Adam's Apple

Post 11


Cor! Core, what a brilliantly thorough answer, thanks for that.

Adam's Apple

Post 12


And as for why it's called an Adam's Apple as opposed to someone else's apple (or some other type of fruit), there's actually a rather interesting story behind this. Or maybe it's not interesting. It was when I last heard it, but the guy telling it was a good storyteller and...never mind. The point is there's a story. And here it is. When Adam was first made he didn't have an Adam's Apple, and was indeed unaware that he was missing one given that the concept hadn't been introduced to him yet. Anyway, you know how the story goes, they eat the fruit, God shows up and tells them "No" and boots them out of Paradise, etc. But where my story bit comes in is apparently some religious guy (or girl. I'm not sure on this point) came up with the concept of telling people that Adam choked on a piece of the apple as sort of a moral message, and to prove this he pointed out that all men still have the apple chunk in their throats, and he called it "Adam's Apple" due to the fact that he was blaming the whole thing on Adam. This was quite a bit back and may in fact have never occured, but it makes for a good story. At least it would if I was any good at storytelling, which I'm not.

Adam's Apple

Post 13


Perhaps the apple should have carried a label:

"Warning: When eating apples, please chew thoroughly."

smiley - winkeye

Adam's Apple

Post 14


So, God's greatest mistake was not to invent product liability consultants first? smiley - smiley

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