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I'd do a bit more research in science class mate.

Post 141

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

I remember
Doing the time warp
Those moments when....

Speed of light

Post 142

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

But that's just the reason they wouldn't be useful to someone _outside_ the car.

Speed of light

Post 143

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

You wouldn't happen to be a college student, would you? Because those are pretty close to the as yet unofficial college food groups.

Speed of light

Post 144

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

PtB _did_ say, in the message just previous, that she would have called something a load of cods wallop. Sounds like a criticism to me.

Speed of light

Post 145

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

It wouldn't have infinite volume, though, merely infinite mass. In fact its length would be zero, so I don't think you could fit all your shopping in the boot.

Speed of light

Post 146


Define half a vehicle......?

Speed of light

Post 147


A vehicle that had only one of the aforementioned headlights, implying that one had been a replacement. smiley - winkeye

Speed of light

Post 148

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Bear in mind, of course, that to put the shopping in the boot it would have to be travelling at the same speed as the car, and would therefore also have zero length. As you can fit an infinite amount of zeroes into zero, you could fit a lot more shopping in at the speed of light!

Speed of light

Post 149


So along that theory how many sardines can you fit in a tin until it stops?
and by the way 0/0 is usually a finite number:
If you take one zeor as eight, divided by infinity, and the bottom one as 2 divided by infinity, then they are both zero but the infinities cancel each other out, making 8/2, which is four, this however raises another question of which particular infinity you use to divide the numbers by!

Speed of light

Post 150

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

That doesn't mean 0/0 is "usually finite"; what it means is that it's an indeterminate form.

Speed of light

Post 151

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Ah yes. Good point.

Speed of light

Post 152


0 = 1

Proof: n² = n+n+n+n+ ... +n (n times) for any integer n
d(n²)/dx = d(n+n+n+ ... +n)/dx
2n = 1+1+1+1+ ... +1 (n times)
0=n for any integer n
=> 0=1

Speed of light

Post 153

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Another proof:


Speed of light

Post 154


Sorry, can't see how you get the second line. It's illogical (but then again, so am I)

Speed of light

Post 155

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Oh, sorry. I was going by memory, and I got it wrong. It should be

Speed of light

Post 156


However, you'd still have -1 at the end, which would cancel the +1 at the start.

Speed of light

Post 157


If a pregnant woman gave birth in the back seat of the car going at the speed of light with the headlights on, would the child ever be born?

Speed of light

Post 158


Never mind that. What would its birthweight be? What time would be given as the time of birth?

Speed of light

Post 159

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

But there is no end; it's an infinite series.

I'd do a bit more research in science class mate.

Post 160

Researcher 1

I know about the proof that there are more real numbers than integers. It goes along the lines of imagine that you can count all the reals (reals are numbers like 1, pi, 3.7, 3.87857757...., -8 etc.) using the integers ( integers are 1,2,3,4,5, etc). If you do that they can be put in a list. So what you do is construct a new number taking the nth digit from the nth number and so you get a new number that you haven't counted. That's it simplistically. I did a degree in Maths at Oxford University. I didn't believe this particular reasoning because you need both an infinite list and an infinite amount of time to contruct the new number. So you could argue that the proof is useless

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