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white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 81

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

try it and let me know!

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 82

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

rats, i was sure someone here would have tried it already and been able to give us the results and save me the price of a stamp.

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 83

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Which reminds me of one of my pet peeves - did you know we pay VAT on sanitary products? It's because they are classed as 'luxury items', I believe... smiley - crosssmiley - grr

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 84

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

it would be nice if female student wre given an allowance to help pay for the damn things

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 85

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

When the GST was brought in to Australia, and there was a great debate over whether sanitary products were 'luxury items' or not, a group of women were going to hold a 'bleed-in' on the lawns of parliament house...

Alas they didn't have enough interest - or matching cycles for that matter.

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 86


Misleadling adverts. I've eaten dozens of packets of Hall's Soothers and at no time has any man come up to me and nuzzled my neck, let alone a gorgeous hunk. Total rip-off!!

(How desperate am I???) smiley - smiley

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 87


I wrote and complained that the tags came off Pampers nappys once. They sent me a voucher for another pack. And guess what? The tags *still* kept coming off. Hurrah for Huggies is all I say.

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 88

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

has anyone ever succsessfully snet something to the R&D dept of a major company? my friend kat once had a bottle of HP chilly sauce explode in her bedroom. it was quite frightening as it was glass. being a physist she was curious and sent it off to HP RnD with a request that when they found out why it blew up they would tell her, and buy the way she wasnt sueing for endangering her life.

never heard anything back of course.

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 89


Maybe we should all go to our local tax offices and sit down on their seats, without wearing any protection. Then they might realise its not a luxery item

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 90

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

no doubt we'd catch something off their seats.

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 91


smiley - ill

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 92

Lady in a tree

We *used* to pay VAT on towels and tampons - we don't anymore (since 2001 I think)

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 93

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

there have been campaigns here in NZ to get the luxury tax removed, but i don't know if they succeeded - i'm quite sure that if men got periods then tampons etc would be fully publicly funded, along with extra sick days, subsidised pain killers etc!

who is one of the lucky ones who doesn't suffer overly - especially when on the pill

ps do know of someone who is on depo and finds it fine - i am nervous about it, plus i heard they are close to perfecting an under skin implant that would work for three years

and when the hell are they going to come up with a MALE pill btw?!!!

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 94

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

There is a male pill - its in trials at the moment, should be out in a couple of years. I'll still carry on taking the pill though - don't trust many men to actually remember to take it... smiley - erm

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 95

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

There is a male pill - it's in trials at the moment, should be out in a couple of years. I'll still carry on taking the pill though - don't trust many men to actually remember to take it... smiley - erm

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 96

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Sorry about the double post - realised my grammatical error after I'd pressed the 'post' button...

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 97

Tube - the being being back for the time being

You might want to check out a US movie called "Molly Grows Up", made in 1953 (Producer: Photo & Sound Productions for Medical Arts Productions; Sponsor: Personal Products Corporation).
It can be downloaded @ http://www.archive.org/movies/list_K-O.html

It features a presentation of the sanitary devices avaiable at the time; incl. the belt contraptions which were mentioned earlier. smiley - weird

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 98

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I have been using depo for two and a half years now and think it is marvellous! For the first four injections (ie the first year - one injection every 3 months) I found that I had strange mood swings in the couple of weeks leading up to the injection, like PMT but lasting for a week or two. This was strange, and my boyfriend always knew when the injection was due because of it, but this was more acceptable than the 4-7 days of pmt every month. I have a friend (who told me about depo in the first place) that had a very similar experience to mine.

I don't have the wild swings any more now that my body has adjusted to the new regime and I am really happy with my outcome.

I think some people report that they gain weight on depo, and I did put on a lot of weight over this period but it is difficult to tell what the cause was because at the same time I gave up smoking, gave up exercise, starting eating hotel roomservice food or takeaways on a daily basis and generally adopted a much less healthy lifestyle. Plus I was settled into a lovely relationship witha lovely man and my mum reckons I got complacent (cheek!).

I wouldn't recommend the implants, they have been withdrawn due to a number of cases where the implants broke, releasing at least a year's worth of hormone at once. I know somebody that this happened to and it is NOT NICE.

Fun and games...

Would you trust a man to take a pill to protect you? I suppose for me the answer is yes to my current man because we are a stable couple with shared aims, and shared responsibility. Any other man I have ever had a relationship with? No way! smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

smiley - puffk

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 99

west wind

Those are the kind of adverts that really make me *not* want to buy a product!smiley - yuk

On the depo-provera topic though, I had this for the first time a few weeks ago. After the first week I began bleeding and have been doing so continuosuly for two weeks now.smiley - sadface I know a side-effect was 'intermittent bleeding' but has anyone else suffered this? I would really like to keep using the injection if it will settle down as never been able to remember to take pill. Time to go back to smiley - doctor I suppose?

white trousers in adverts for feminine hygine products

Post 100


My previous doctor advised against the implants on the basis that they do awful things to the sort of people that scar badly (which I am). If you're the sort of person that gets massive ridgy scars and adhesions after operations stay well away from them.

I had the injections for 7 or 8 years altogether, steadily putting on weight and getting hairier all the time. The doctor said it would all go away when I stopped. 2 or 3 years after stopping I haven't put on any more weight (though I haven't lost any either) but the hair continues to get worse.

The (MALE smiley - grr)doctor's answer is "It's your age" and "It's your genetic heritage. Haven't you ever seen old Spanish and Italian women?" (He's white as well) smiley - steam. I feel like wheeling in scores of smooth-skinned octogenarian female relatives to show him - but even that probably wouldn't make him take me seriously. smiley - cry

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