A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Food for Thought

Post 1


Does lack of food, for example on hunger strikes, affect ones ability to think straight, or result in any mental side effects?

Food for Thought

Post 2

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

(I suppose you would get withdrawal symptoms, or is that just me on h2g2?)
smiley - reindeer

Food for Thought

Post 3

Cheerful Dragon

I just copied this from a site devoted to anorexia and bulimia. The site is run by an organisation called ANAB Quebec. I would say that both anorexia and bulimia count as 'lack of food'. The paragraph is taken from a page on the psychological effects of starvation:

[Copyright material removed by moderator]

The URL for that page is http://www.generation.net/~anebque/english/eatingd5.html if you want to read more.

Food for Thought

Post 4


Low blood sugar affects your ability to think, which is the reason most people are not at their best just before lunch, so I should think prolonged fasting would have an even greater effect.
Or maybe not...

Food for Thought

Post 5


smiley - bigeyes
Embarrassing to simulpost with THAT. smiley - wow

Food for Thought

Post 6


Definitely if you count fatigue as a mental effect.

That's why you occasionally see advice to people revising for exams that if they're doing a late night session, rather than go for another coffee, they should eat something solid (not a chocolate bar)

Perhaps when you get past a certain point of hunger this doesn't apply so much - I am thinking of Gandhi who certainly seemed to have a grip on things despite the hunger strikes. But perhaps that was the measure of the man?

Apparently lack of water is even worse - even slight dehydration can have quite an impact on mental performance.

Food for Thought

Post 7


Thanks for your help. One more question: Could this cause a nonviolent person to have a tendency toward violence?

Food for Thought

Post 8



Food for Thought

Post 9


I shouldnt think so !

Food for Thought

Post 10

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Just a guess.

I know of no-one personally so maybe another researcher can verify this for me.

Diabetics who are about to suffer an attack of either hypo/hyperglycemia (a lack or excess of sugar in the blood which the body is unable to process) DO tend to 'act out' and behave aggresively just prior to the effects of the hypo/hyperglycemia.

If the eating disorder is them not getting/getting too much of the sugar (i.e by eating nothing else but choclate biscuits.) There might be link.

I suggest you speak to someone who knows far more about this than I do, it's just set some bells ringing, is all.


Food for Thought

Post 11

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

also "not thinking straight" a diabetic may often appear drunk and 'woozy'.

Food for Thought

Post 12

Micheal Jay Mole

Diabetic shock can most definately make someone violent and halucinate. With thier blood suger all messed up they are not thinking straight and will not even recognize their spouse or parents. Need a blood sugar level test NOW! We all at times have a low sugar count and have tiny seizures in our sleep. It causes most no harm. A diabetic can die. Lack of food will also most definately cause halucinations. Many scholars believe that is what Jesus and Mohammed experienced when they fasted in the desert. If you are diabetic and fast you will probably find yourself in a coma. Get to a doctor now if you are halucinating! It could also be alergy: epinepherine is the antidote. Must stress: go to the hospital if there is any doubt about diabetes or food alergy. If fasting, for gods sake and your own, east something. You could damege your liver and kidneys.

Act Now!!!

Micheal Jay Mole ACE

Food for Thought

Post 13

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Sounds to me like this is a reported case - someone leopard013 knows perhaps. Even so the advice stands.

Lack of food = agressive behaviour + inability to think straight - go and see a doctor.


Food for Thought

Post 14

Micheal Jay Mole

Little known fact: Ghandi was allowed visits from his family who brought him water with a pinch of salt and a bit of sugar mixed in. Result: electrolites. That was how Gandhi was able to hold out so long when he fasted. None-the-less, without protein he would have died eventually during these fasts after, say, 90 days.


Food for Thought

Post 15


Thanks again for the help.
I don't actually know the person. I'm doing a weird report in my history class where I have to decide if a list of suspects would be a likely murderer of LBJ. Obviously he wasn't killed, but it makes learning about the people who knew him a bit more fun to pretend one of them killed him and guess who it is. Well one of the people I have to research is very nonviolent and he went on hunger strikes, like Ghandi, to promote nonviolence, and I still had to prove that he might have killed someone. So you can see my original dilemma until I thought maybe he would turn violent without food. Luckily you back up my theory and I can go on to investigate the ghost of JFK. Thanks.
By the way, could you tell me how to get those little smiley face icons?

Food for Thought

Post 16

Micheal Jay Mole

Simply click on one of the smileys and wait and watch what happens. It will be a fun surprise. smiley - zen


Food for Thought

Post 17

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*BIG sigh * - phew, well that's a relief.

smiley - ok

Do let us know how it goes won't you?

Clive smiley - smiley

Food for Thought

Post 18


smiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - cat

Food for Thought

Post 19


I got an A+! Thanks for your help!
smiley - catsmiley - biggrinsmiley - blackcat

Food for Thought

Post 20

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - laugh

smiley - wow

Well Done!!!!

smiley - hug

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