A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Sex before marriage
spook Posted Mar 8, 2002
Uncle Demon Drawer - I think that according to Christianity, you don't have to be legally married, just married in front of God in a church or chapel, or place of worship. It may also be interesting for you to know, that the book Song of Songs, is 1 of the 5 books of poetry, and is all about Solomon describing a sexual experience he had with his FIANCEE. If this was not okay, then why would it be in the bible?
Thanks everybody for the comments. Keep them coming. When I come to put the entry together I think it's going to be great!
Sex before marriage
Dancer (put your advert here) Posted Mar 11, 2002
Did the check on Judaism...
If youre Jewish, by the bible, sex is something that you can do before marriage but it means that you have to marry the woman.
In time (Judaism is OLD) it mutated and it is not allowed to have sex before marriage for 2 reasons:
1. In order to preven two people from having sex and then not marring
2. (And belive it or not, this is actually the main reason) to prevent a man from having sex with a married woman (wed to someone other then himself), as this is a great penalty and is not allowed.
Sex before marriage
Researcher Eagle 1 Posted May 3, 2002
I know this thread has gone a bit inactive but I wanted to throw something out.
Religion: Christian
Sex before marriage: Disapprove
Why: Well, I could go into the usual reasons; against the teaching of the Bible, fear of STD's, etc. But I also think there's something else.
I believe that the wording of the Bible of two people becoming one flesh is a poetic phrase that borders on literal truth. As I see it, two people can become connected in a way which presents them almost as one person, someone that can stand together and face the rest of their lives together. A couple can join together in that way and share an intense experience and risk ripping apart without having made a lifelong commitment together; but it isn't just an act against God. It's doing a diservice to themselves, missing out on bonding without commitment.
Sex in my mind shouldn't be just about physical pleasure, but an act which adds meaning in the expression of commitment and love of a husband and wife. But that's just one man's opinion.
Sex before marriage
Tefkat Posted May 3, 2002
>>(And belive it or not, this is actually the main reason) to prevent a man from having sex with a married woman (wed to someone other then himself), as this is a great penalty and is not allowed.<<
That's because women were property. The adultery rules were there to make sure the man's bloodline wasn't adulterated by usurpers who would then eat his food, spend his money, inherit his property.
Surely, now that women are no longer property, that doesn't apply any more?
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Sex before marriage
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