A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Most neglected list...

Post 1


Does everyone have the same experience as me?

That is that every article I write for h2g2 spends one day on the front page followed by a week on the monst negelcted list smiley - sadface

Enthusiasm in Peer Review never seems to make it over to the published article smiley - erm

Orcus - a boring article writer smiley - winkeye

Most neglected list...

Post 2


By definition a new article is 'most neglected' because it has not be round long enough to gather hits!

This, of course, implies that the 'most neglected' box doesn't really work, because it must use a formula simply of 'number of hits'. If it used number of hits in relation to time as an edited entry, would that make more sense? I'm a medieval historian, dammit: are you any better at stats?

Most neglected list...

Post 3

I'm not really here

smiley - hug

I don't look at the most neglected list, so I don't know if I've been on it. I think it's rude to have it there, although I can guess it's there to encourage people to go and read things.

I make a point of looking at all the entries on the front page, although I don't usually read them all, and I don't comment on all the ones I read.

Most neglected list...

Post 4


I found it interesting that one I saw on the list today was "Practical purposes of changing to the Euro" or some such.

Most neglected list...

Post 5


I must admit, I'd be curious to find out how many researchers actually "use" the guide and how many consider that adding to it is more important. I must admit, that if I'm doing research for work, H2G2 isn't first on my list as sources of information, (with the exception of ask H2G2).

I guess that the more edited entries there are, the more popular the edited guide will become, but I suspect that, for the moment anyway, most of the entries that do get into the edited guide just sit neglected and ignored. Having said that, I wouldn't stop writing because of that, the guide is, after all, a work in progress, and IMO it's still very young.

Most neglected list...

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

I think I have used the Edited Guide as the source for information I needed to know twice. Compare that with the 41 edited guide entries I have written.

On the other hand, I've picked up a lot of information which I did not need to know but which was interesting by reading the Edited Guide.

Most neglected list...

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

The "Practical Side of the Euro Changeover" was only advertised on the front page on 1 Jan, so it is still less than a fortnight old. That's why it was on the most neglected list.

Most neglected list...

Post 8


I've certainly used the rissotto recipe, and will be doing so again tonight mmmm....

Most neglected list...

Post 9


Don't worry Mina I'm not really sad smiley - smiley

I reckon that most of the real budding authors and readers on the guide probably spend quite a bit of time in Peer Review also. Certainly I personally don't often read the finished article on the front page (so what's he complaining about I hear you cry smiley - winkeye) as I've almost always read them already in PR.

Most neglected list...

Post 10

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

Just a matter of fact i´ve been working on a way of telling more people about the entrys that people write.... its over at:
have a look if u have 5 min and let me know what u think..... smiley - smiley

Most neglected list...

Post 11

Fred Smith

I've used the guide a lot for the purposes of finding interesting things to read, and I look through it if need to find any information.

Most neglected list...

Post 12

the autist formerly known as flinch

I can't help thinking that some kind of enhanced indexing might be in order. I often try to look for information and fail to find it, only to find it elsewhere an few days latter when i'm reading something else.

Most neglected list...

Post 13

The Theory

Yes... it is a pain in the hang to try and use the little search option, or go digging through the "life' "universe" or "everything" options...


Most neglected list...

Post 14

the autist formerly known as flinch

It would be good if you could enter certain keywords when you were writing your entry through which it could be searched.

Most neglected list...

Post 15

Gnomon - time to move on

As an enthusiastic Googler, I think what we need the most is not keywords but the ability to search for two words at the same time. I tried to look for articles relating to Prime Numbers. Putting in "Prime Number" into the search box produced all the entries which had either Prime or Number in them, which was quite a few. I gave up. There may be people who use such a feature, but I'm not one of them. I and other users of Google prefer the "AND" search where it returns only those pages which have both Prime and Number in them. I asked about adding this feature and was told it was on some list of possible additions. In my opinion it is the most important requirement after the new Peer Review system which has been long promised. As it is, I have to use Google to search through h2g2!

Most neglected list...

Post 16


Yeah, we need boolean search machines. But what about somehting that covers the threads as well? Or we will soon have 10 threads for every topic, because you can't go through the back log before making a new one.

Most neglected list...

Post 17


This is a travesty!
I protest!
Boozy Gingerbread has now appeared as Most Neglected!
Stop this flagrant ignorance!
Visit now: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A660188
smiley - winkeye

Most neglected list...

Post 18


Most neglected list...

Post 19



I went, I saw, I printed smiley - ok

Now just got to wait for the weekend to try it out

smiley - cheers

Most neglected list...

Post 20


when youb are doing searches not nesserily on h2g2 how do you do AND or NOT etc.

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