A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 301

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

"Shuttlepod One"... I hated that one.

If they had a phase pistol, why not take turns to stun one another to prolong the oxygen? Why keep using up energy on heating when slowing down their metabolic rate was more useful? Between the brandy and the shuttlepod's medical supplies they should have been able to arrange to take turns to be unconscious for the best part of a week, without resorting to the phase pistol. ANYTHING to stop that conversation... smiley - martianfrown

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 302


Hello Peet,smiley - hug. I think ScottB looks like a hounddog..with a big sad expression..i keep thinking he is going to burst into laughter.

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 303

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Hiya, Tabs. smiley - biggrin

I have to admit, that while I had my doubts about him, by about halfway through the series I could look at him without thinking "Quantum Leap"... Except for the episode which guest-starred Dean Stockwell, of course... smiley - smiley

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 304

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


I expected Dean Stockwell to say "You look familiar" when Scott Bakul was brought into his office!smiley - laugh

I suppose it was a case of it's not what you know but ~who~ you know in some cases...smiley - winkeye

I like the shower scenes & partial nudity/underwear in Enterprise/sci-fi but then I'm just hot-blooded.

Why isn't there more sex in space? Imagine what you could get up to in zero-gravity.smiley - cdouble

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 305

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Dr. Bashir *did*, in an episode of DS9! (with the new recruit from the low-gravity world; can't remember the episode title, but she was the one who complained that the G'agH was half-dead...) smiley - aliensmile

(And please, no Roger Moore references - the memory of "Moonraker" is too painful...smiley - yuk)

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 306

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh yes, I remember that episode, she was strapped into a chair normally & he tried to make her "normal" but then she decided to go back to her homeworld.

Oh well, can't have Dr Bashir lucky in love can we? Not on tv anyway, he's already lucky offscreen, he's married to the actress who plays Kira Nerys.

smiley - winkeye

*still giggling at the backlog*
Didn't know I was a lecherous loon.smiley - laugh
smiley - ok

And the vote for "Wesley Crusher and anyone" in Most Unlikely Coupling.
smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 307


smiley - zoomDid someone mention gratuitous grundy wearing and biceps? smiley - run

*Screeches to a halt*

I've already clocked Mayweather's biceps! smiley - tongueout

Best looking female: Toss up between T'Pol and Jadzia Dax

Best looking male: Worf! (Very closely followed by Captains Archer, Picard and Science tofficer Spock)

Best villain: Has to be the Borg, although I really did like the Cardiassians as villains. Oh and the Borg's enemy, species 827 thingeewotsit!

Most unlikely coupling: Doctor McCoy and Spock smiley - silly

By the way, who's Prophet calling weird, scary & lecherous loons? smiley - angel

Hands up who feels they're being exploited by the sci-fi industry? smiley - bigeyes

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 308

Sho - employed again!

Mr Prophet is in deep poopy smiley - winkeye

He knows we lecherous loons all to well I fear!

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 309


Bet he lurks on the drool thread smiley - winkeye

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 310

Mr Prophet (General Purpose Genre Guru)

It's weirdly compelling, in a deeply disturbing fashion. I think of it like rubber-necking at a motorway pile-up smiley - biggrin

Species 827 were kind of naff. They could have gone somewhere, but they ended up just being wasted.

"We kill Borg! We're immensely scary! Oh wait; you've done for us as a major power."

Plus, they had the gratuitous 'look how we're cool and different because we have biotech' schtick. They were okay in their one-off capacity, but failed to fulfil their potential as ongoing villains.

Still; they were way better than the Hirogen, who had silly outfits and a daft schtick.

According to the IMDb, by the way, Siddig el Fadil and Nana Visitor divorced last year.

TTFN ya lecherous loons smiley - winkeye

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 311

Sho - employed again!

Oh Mr.P.... you know us so well!

Those Hirogen weren't nearly as scary as my nearly 4-year-old

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