A Conversation for Ask h2g2
toybox Posted Apr 15, 2010
Will she show you chemical stuff? Does she make her own soap?
(We once made soap at school , but very few pupils dared to wash their hands with the end product.)
nortirascal Posted Apr 15, 2010
I'm pretty good with explosives, in fact very good. I don't do that stuff anymore, not good for the health, you tend to end up in the woods with your wrists slashed
You could always ask her to make up some Sarin or Tabun On seconds thoughts, you'l probably get a lot of attention from the
and not in a nice way
even though it is very easy to make
Yep, definately soap, that's ok and fun
Hoping everyone keeps it respectful here, I'm enjoying your progress Xanatic, especially the foodie bits
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
U14364510 Posted Apr 15, 2010
Thought this thread was about girls? Not soap
Hey Mr B, does that stand for Mr Bean? I
that program it's
Toybox you carry on making soap.
By the way they ain't any nice girls on planet
Smiggle The Little
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Apr 16, 2010
Well specifically, it's about Xanatics love life, or lack of one to date However things are looking up, regarding his dates with a latina lovely
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Apr 18, 2010
Well, I´ll wait a bit with saying to see if a certain someone will apologize for their inappropiate comment.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
You can call me TC Posted Apr 19, 2010
I shouldn't bother waiting, Xan - he's not here often and probably will miss your comment by the time he passes through again. He's possibly not very hootoo-savvy.
So .... go on.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Deadangel - Still not dead, just! Posted Apr 19, 2010
I take it the 'certain someone' will be either BBS or myself.
If it was me, I'm happy to apologise unreservedly for causing offence with what was meant to be a throwaway, if somewhat predictable, off-colour one liner.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Apr 20, 2010
Well, looks like nothing is forthcoming from BBS. I shall inform you what happened anyway then.
BoliviaGirl arrived at my place, and at first seemed a bit standoff-ish. I thought I´d done something wrong. We had the dinner she had made, which was frankly disappointing. It was mostly potato and cheese, seemed both bland and un-exotic. After the dinner, I leaned in to kiss her, and we kissed for a while. A few hours later we crawled out of bed and went and ate the dessert she had made. So all in all a quite successful evening. A special thanks goes out to Foo Fighters. Hopefully tommorow I shall see her at a barbecue, who knows what might happen then.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Apr 21, 2010
I'm really pleased for you Xanatic. Knew someones getting my share
I seem to be going through a lean time at the mo, perhaps I'm just getting old
and set in my ways. Carpet slippers and cocoa come ten o'clock is hardly likely to win me any romance
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
You can call me TC Posted Apr 21, 2010
If she seemed stand-offish at first, try and put yourself in her place: she was probably feeling a bit shy, or, at least, intimidated. She was offering you food (enough to make anyone nervous so early in a relationship) and anticipating where that would lead to, she doesn't know you long, was alone with you on your territory, and, by all accounts, you are quite tall and probably a little awe-inspiring seen from her perspective.
It looks like you succeeded in making her feel at ease, though.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Apr 21, 2010
"It looks like you succeeded in making her feel at ease, though."
I should cocoa Xanatics grabbed all my luck
Perhaps I should continue this thread for my own self help
I'm the one that's as popular as a visit by the Ton ton macouts at the monment
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Bright Blue Shorts Posted Apr 21, 2010
Sorry ... it's the hardest word to say ... Even after all my advice to get him this far with the Bolivian girl he turns on me ...
Well done though ...
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Apr 22, 2010
Bolvian and all South American girls turn me on. Shakira, Shakira It's a character flaw in some racial purist circles, but what the hell, I jsut love latinas
and girls with intellect
Trouble is they are too clever to bother with a bone head like me
Key: Complain about this post
- 8781: toybox (Apr 15, 2010)
- 8782: nortirascal (Apr 15, 2010)
- 8783: toybox (Apr 15, 2010)
- 8784: nortirascal (Apr 15, 2010)
- 8785: U14364510 (Apr 15, 2010)
- 8786: nortirascal (Apr 16, 2010)
- 8787: toybox (Apr 16, 2010)
- 8788: toybox (Apr 16, 2010)
- 8789: toybox (Apr 18, 2010)
- 8790: Xanatic (Apr 18, 2010)
- 8791: toybox (Apr 19, 2010)
- 8792: You can call me TC (Apr 19, 2010)
- 8793: Deadangel - Still not dead, just! (Apr 19, 2010)
- 8794: Xanatic (Apr 20, 2010)
- 8795: nortirascal (Apr 21, 2010)
- 8796: You can call me TC (Apr 21, 2010)
- 8797: nortirascal (Apr 21, 2010)
- 8798: Bright Blue Shorts (Apr 21, 2010)
- 8799: taliesin (Apr 21, 2010)
- 8800: nortirascal (Apr 22, 2010)
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