A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Outside the City Walls

Post 301


Outside the City Walls

Post 302

Arisztid Lugosi

*goes back up to where isca is. links arms wiht her, as much for her own support as iscas*

well. shall we make our way to get healed?

Outside the City Walls

Post 303

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

*whilst Vlain keeps the remaining demons busy Isca sneaks around cloaked in shadow looking for the odd cheap shot or stab in the back*

*once the group hey were fighting is finished off Isca speaks to Vlain*

"erm, look, I think I fractured a rib or something earlier, would you mind helping me to the Healing Hall"

Outside the City Walls

Post 304

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Outside the City Walls

Post 305

Arisztid Lugosi

sure think isca.

*puts her good arm around her, careful not to touch the ribs*
*slowly make their way to the healing hall*

Outside the City Walls

Post 306


<Don't forget to go through the Front Gate!

Outside the City Walls

Post 307

Arisztid Lugosi

*vlain and isca walk through the front gate, and from there to the healing hall*

Outside the City Walls

Post 308

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Outside the City Walls

Post 309

Arisztid Lugosi

<smiley - erm thankssmiley - smiley....next time... sorry...*looks very appologetic*>

Outside the City Walls

Post 310

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

smiley - book

Outside the City Walls

Post 311

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*Alicia rides through the battleground looking for a sign of Lycan, giving the last right to all the dead she passes blue flames momenteraly pass over the courpses leaving nothing but ash and blacked armour*

Outside the City Walls

Post 312

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*dismounts Fyrea and stands on the now empty battle feild*
He cant be dead... he just cant be

[fyrea] what do your instincts tell you mistress?

he... I have to check Fyrea, if any look for me, tell them I might be a long time in returning

[fyrea] cant you just call from the gates?

not if he has passed through them..... smiley - cry
I dont beleve this is so, I feel that he's alive, but I must.... I must know, I've been mistaken before

[Fyrea] it is a dangerous thing to do for peace of mind mistress

I know.... if you find him before i do... I'll leave a charter mark here so he can find me if he so wishes, I just hope nothing else uses it

*puts a rune onto a rock then dissaperes into death*

[fyrea] typical human...

Outside the City Walls

Post 313

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*some of the villagers are walking the fields; some collecting armor and weapons, other praying for the deceased*

Outside the City Walls

Post 314

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*Zantir starts building great funeral pyres from the forrest where the road to Kalsho is*

Lycan isn't going to like this but I haven't got a choice

*scanvengers are all over the battlefield having a feast on the spoils of war*

Outside the City Walls

Post 315

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*having built a large pyre Zantir starts loading it with the fallen dead of the DA army*

Outside the City Walls

Post 316


*with a groan Lycan wakes up in the mud*

thats the weirdest dream I ever had...

*slowly stands up in the mud looking over at the prye Zantir has built but it doesn't quite register*

*sniffs himself* I need a bath...

*trapaces off towards Imardin gate*

Outside the City Walls

Post 317

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*zantir nods at Lycan*


*some of the city guard join him in piling up the bodies and setting up the pyre, as the bodies are starting to smell*

Outside the City Walls

Post 318

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Wolf and Thurin Walk out of the city and wait. Eventually a rider aproaches garbed all in black and throws them a large sack with something heavy inside it. Checking the contents they wave to the rider, who salutes and rides of again. Having what they came for they re enter the city*

smiley - cheers

Outside the City Walls

Post 319

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

*Zantir and the rest of the city guard finish with the funeral Pyres*

*as the sun starts to set they go around lighting them burning the dead of the DA army*

Aye lads, let us go home

*they leave for the city gates*

Outside the City Walls

Post 320

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

*the gargoyle flies over the wall and lands in a bosque of trees*

*there, he curls up and solidifies, appearing as a moss-covered boulder*

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