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Post 241



Of course I remember who you are... smiley - smiley trust me my memory is crap at times however I do not forget important things that easily and friends are important...

How are you??? It has been too long since we chatted.. what have you been up to???


Nothing is good... better than a bad something or a dire everything *lol*

Just hope that at least it is a fun nothing mate...

When I next see you

Parting always feels sad
but at least I can be glad
that when I see you next
we can get on laugh and jest.

The space between is so long
the time passing like a quiet song
but at least I always trust
that you'll be there through smooth and rough.

I am always glad to see
an old friend say hello to me
and always take this on faith
I do not say it to save face.


Post 242

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

well, I mean there was an election for the prez of hootoo and I came fourth out of 15, which I was quite impressed with actually I was only doing it for the amusement factor and I'd have been shocked if I'd won


Post 243

Hamster of Doom (Zantir Ictell)

A disguise not necessary
Though I am sure
That you could tell
Who am I? you know me well
My disguise is weak
if the answers you seek
You could found out easily
What my real name is


Post 244


Well done Jack that was a damm good run you pulled there for the election and if I had come back online before the end of the vote I would have voted for you mate...

4 out of 15 and most of the others must have felt they would have a popular support....

Like I said mate - well done smiley - smiley

Zantir Ictell - Interesting poem quickly done but intriguing. Now all I say is I am not in the mood for games and if you want to chat normally then please feel free to do so... I have a damm good idea who you are however that sort of thing is something I cannot be bothered with...

Please do not take offence at them words smiley - smiley It is not meant to hurt just highlight I cannot be bothered with games....


Post 245

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

Hi again Pete!smiley - biggrin

I'm fine, feeling very good at the moment, actually.smiley - wow
I finished school this summer, I really thought I'd never make it. Now I'm making plans for the future, I want to start university next year. until then...I'm going to apply for a job/internship in some hotels in England and France. I had some other plans after leaving school, but I was a bit unrealistic, and so I've been busy with household and regulating my life in the last months.
smiley - biggrinchatting about myself again, I haven't changed that much.

But I'm happier. smiley - wow


Post 246


Glad you made it and glad you managed to solve things smiley - smiley

It is good to hear from you again, me I have been through a lot too... fell in love, hurt, recovered and looking to sort things out in my life too smiley - biggrin

When are you planning to do the jobs / internship???


Post 247


Sky clear sun shining here
yet still its crispy cold.

Trees alight a fiery sight
against the evergreens.

Frost abounds glittering around
covering the path I walk.

Winter day it is I say
a magical time of year.


Post 248


Pain in the neck

Slept funny
god it hurts
from the neck
on down.

Sat funny
trying not to
cause further
pain felt all
over me.

wincing with
a crack that
echoes all


Post 249

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Ouch ! *rubs neck*


Post 250


I know the feeling it is killing me at the moment...


Post 251

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

If you think you ache, you should live with my fingers in this cold weather smiley - puff


Post 252

Susanne - if it ain't broke, break it!

the poet's back..smiley - wow

I want to go as soon as possible. I'll have to be back next may for university aplications, so I now have about 6 free months. I'm hoping on one job ad particularly, they need a helping hand in a beautiful hotel in Nice, southern France.ahh..that would be great luck to spend the winter there! sending out my application today. (smiley - goodluck to myself smiley - smiley)

smiley - bigeyes and what did I see on the other thread about your paranormal experiences smiley - bigeyes fascinating!


Post 253


smiley - blush rarely think of myself as a poet really... thank you

Best of luck in getting the job.. I am sure you will have a great time there... I will be stuck with the cold british winter (which they are saying will be bad this year)... So I envy you on that *lol*

Yeah the paranormal expierences - absoulutly amazing... feel free to chip in smiley - smiley


Post 254


Neither are good Jack my friend... Just hope it feels better tomorrow...

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