This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

The number of offensive people on this site really is remarkable. Somehow I manage to avoid most of them, most of the time, but there are some who are so loathsome that they're bad for my blood pressure even when I'm only lurking the conversations they're rendering objectionable.

I wish there was a function on here to assist in ignoring these creatures. I used to think that would not be a good idea, but I've changed my mind.

I'd make a list of the individuals in question but that would become rather depressing after the first dozen names.

As the ratio of nasty people to nice people lurches in the wrong direction, I'm starting to wonder again why I'm here.

Anyway. I feel better for having said something, even if it will only be read by a small group of intelligent people.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 2

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Ivan, what you have to do my friend is similar to one my philosophies, is those people are beneath mesmiley - winkeyeso I can see/read what they write, but still ignore as it's not worth the virtual paper they've written onsmiley - winkeye

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 3


Name names smiley - evilgrin

All through the Della Wars I thought an Ignore button was a bad idea because even someone as bad as Della occasionally contributed something interesting or valuable.

Then came folk like warner, who is just evil personified, and Julzes who is dangerously deluded and I really wish there was an ignore button where I could just filter them out.

One of the things I truly adore about this site is its peaceful and civil nature compared to most places on the net, and I've seen many argue an ignore button isn't really needed and would actually reduce the level of civility because you can be rude and then whack someone on ignore. I maintain that very few people would use it and then only as a last resort - we don't have many petulant, childish folk on here.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - hug

I don't know who you're talking about, but my 'ignore' button is inbuilt. I usually leave a conversation when I see a specific name. It helps me to keep my blood pressure down.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 5


>>I'm starting to wonder again why I'm here.<<

Because of good people like me. smiley - tongueout

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I second what Iago said...

(especially re: Della. Even though she attacked me a lot- behind my back, not to my face- for some things, she and I had a lot in common when it came to TV, reading materials, etc, especially sci-fi. I could always count on her for a good recommendation in that regard)

But I'm one of the Good Guys (IMO) and I'm still here. smiley - biggrin

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

PS- regarding Bel's inbuilt ignore function, I have one, too, you'll know at least one smiley - bleep for whom it's automatic. smiley - winkeye

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 8


I only move in nice circles so I only meet the occasional trælse person. Excuse my Danish. smiley - winkeye

I get the conversations from Ask and PR - but I haven't time to read more than a small percentage.

Sorry to hear you have been/feel offended or smiley - grr.

smiley - cheerup

smiley - hug

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 9

Ivan the Terribly Average

Iago, I'd happily name names here but I'm wary of making myself a troll-magnet. By email, on the other hand... smiley - evilgrin If you want to know, drop me a line.

Everyone else - yes, I know I should rise above it all. To some extent I do. But when I find myself unable to post to a thread because the people who got there first give me the proverbials, well, I start to feel like I'm missing out and I wonder why I even bother to read on.

The most annoying threads are the ones where people are saying patently wrong things and it's not worth my while correcting the record because I'll either be attacked or dismissed. (Yes, Iago, it's another case of SIWOTI syndrome, and it's going untreated...)

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - hug

The good 'uns way outweight the rotten apples for me thank goodness, although I am not subscribed to Ask, (used to be but I began to feel the same as you) now I cherry-pick my conversations and yes, if there are certain posters I don't contribute or say what I want then unsub. Don't deprive us of your presence or *they* will win smiley - sadface

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 11


Galaxy Babe, I entirely agree. I have been here for six years or so and have never had a problem. I don't often drop in to Ask as I have many conversations going that interest me, but we have two alternatives for removing unpleasantness from our own space, and those are: Unsubscribe, or remove any 'Friends' who offend from your Friends List.

Oh, and like Prof says, they are sad people, probably with a chip on their shoulder, not worth sparing a seconds thought for, so just shrug and exit. Believe me there are sites that are far, far worse.

Ivan, it really isn't worth getting upset about, honestly. It isn't as if you have to see them or live with them every day.

Please don't contemplate leaving, we would miss you. Don't let the smiley - bleep get you down smiley - smiley

smiley - hug

Websailor smiley - dragon

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 12


I avoid any and all contentious threads regardless especially when debate degenerates into personal attacks and abuse. There's a marked difference between being 'blunt' about a topic in order to make a point, (for want of a better phrase), to being downright rude and abusive. For that reason I certainly avoid the 'God' threads though sometimes some of the points raised can be funny but sadly, in general, they're just tired arguements going round in circles with folk getting nastier by the minute. smiley - whistle

We have a sort of ignore button in reality, it's called un-sub.smiley - evilgrin

smiley - cat

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 13

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and


God threads! mmmmmmh! your welcome in minesmiley - smileybut read the 1st post 1stsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 14

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Life is short enough as it is. I just leave threads that hold no meaning to me

smiley - pirate

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 15


Hiya, I just gotta say this, the person known formerly as Julzes just drives me bananas. Absolutely bananas.

I hope I'm on you list of thoughtful researchers, Ivan. And BTW, you are a thoughtful and considerate person, I don't tell you that enough.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 16

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks. smiley - cool

And yes, Julzes is on my list. There, I've broken my own rule and named a name. He's only one of many, honest he is, but now that I've named one I can't help feeling I'll incur some sort of karmic punishment. Or, as Noel Coward put it (as best I can remember) - 'But I must choke down these thoughts or the dove of peace will shit on me'.

Anyway. I think this thread can end right here. I feel better for having had a bit of a vent, which is the main thing.

Thanks for listening, everyone. smiley - cheers

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, Julzes has always been nice and sensible in conversations with me, and I don't try to follow his posts about numbers.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Julzes is mostly harmless....

.. I let his numbers go right over my head...

smiley - rolleyes

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 19

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*pushes 'ignore'-button smiley - whistle*

smiley - pirate

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 20

Ivan the Terribly Average

There's a piece of scum at post 7730 on this thread. F19585?thread=502685&latest=1

For the record:

I am a civil servant.

I am paid adequately but not extravagantly - as shown by the fact that I'll be 40 this year but have only just reached an income level at which I can contemplate buying my first house.

I can inded be fired.

And I will be w*rking both days this weekend, unpaid, at home, using my own resources. I will be w*rking next weekend too. I don't expect to have a single day completely free of w*rk until the middle of next month.

The smiley - bleep who wrote post 7730, on the other hand, wouldn't w*rk in an iron lung. He's a seething mass of resentment and stupidity in equal measures.

At this distance I can't retaliate in the manner he deserves. I'm no fan of physical violence, but...

Anyway. That's why I want an 'ignore' button. It's so cretins like that can't affect my blood pressure.

Now I have to regain some degree of equanimity before I can start on the detailed data analysis I need to undertake.

Key: Complain about this post