This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 21


You have my email, right? Feel free to vent.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 22

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks. smiley - smiley One day, when I have time, I will. Not necessarily to vent, either.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 23


smiley - smiley

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 24

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

civil servants, lawyers, journalists, politicians

if i were to take all the stereotypes said about them seriously i would go insane smiley - headhurts

but if all the stupid and sometimes hateful remarks were moderated we wouldn't know what's going on between people smiley - erm

freedom of speech usually benefits our opponents, but in the long run it benefits society

smiley - pirate

ps: a politician the other day asked me if i knew the difference betrween a terrorist and a civil servant.

the answer: you can negotiate with a terrorist...

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 25


Re post 20:

That person has an unusual attitude for an aspiring politician. I've just learned to tune out his more offensive nonsense.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 26


Well,well. Ive read all these posts & seems your not just on about Warner etc. The word Troll comes to mind Ivan yes in your post to Venus ie: A Few Suggestions post 933 etc. As if you care to read my journal it has folks screen names attached ie Honest,Ivan+Jim but for some strange reason unknown Ivan youve never said what i did wrong for you not to be intouch all them years ago! Same with Honest! Explain. I wish there was an ignore button too,just like on chatbox. Im no evil person i have health problems.

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 27


Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 28

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - rolleyes

Oh, for an 'ignore' button.

Post 29


Read post 26... On this thread Thank You!

I JUST WANT ANSWERS (sorry) for that the caps locked on me.

Ever since ToddFromCorry left Honest, Ivan seems to have put me on iggy as one says! WHY, WHY, WHY? I want some answers in your own time. I know your all pretty busy in RL. Cheers.

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