This is the Message Centre for saffire

Jim'll fix it

Post 101

The 1 and only Elkherd

Cheers for the posse inclusion.

Last night, in bed, I worked out what the contest could be. One side gives a line from a song, and the name of the band, and the other side has to supply the next one. Can I suggest we do it in a different forum though, this one's MASSIVE.

Jim'll fix it

Post 102


Okay, you say where, and i'll folow you there.....
Quiz comes compliments of 'Never mind the Buzzcocks....' smiley - winkeye


Post 103

The 1 and only Elkherd

Everyone involved: Go to my page. Can't miss it, it's straight at the top.

Here's me sex pistol

Post 104

Mark B

It's me!! Burgers make you fat! Stay off junk food or you will die of fatness (for want of a better word), somebody called me by my proper name last night at the cinema!! How amazing (you don't think its the hair do you?). Elk, how are you? I know you are fine I am just pretending for the sake of the others even though you only live 10 mins away. Cheers for listening, also, this contest thing is a load of rubbish or in English speak BOLLOX! Lets drop it okay? The humour is rapidly decreasing. Anyonne like NOFX? Or any other punk? Less than JAke? Okay, write you answers on a postcard. See ya!!


Post 105


Okay, Elk, i'm missing it.... where is it?

Here's somthing more savoury

Post 106

The 1 and only Elkherd

Beatsteaks rock! or should that be Beatsteaks punk!

Madmunk: look again now.

Here's somthing more savoury

Post 107


howve ya been elky boy?
-saffiresmiley - smiley

Here's somthing more savoury

Post 108

The 1 and only Elkherd

I died a while back, but apart from that, I'm fine.

I went to the Reading festival: it rocked!!!

I saw Biohazard last night: they rocked!!!

My ex-band memebers admitted they'd been lying to me, and we made up. I still havn't got a band, though.

See ya for now (SYFN?)

smiley - smiley

Made up stuff

Post 109

Mark B

Made up, yeah that was good. Tom though... Na. still a nobend, I have a fellin that I am not being included in this thang about music lines, is that so? well if it is then huh!smiley - sadface I could think of really obscure things that noone has ever heard (oops is that not the idea then...). Oh well let's start some vocabulary...

Made up stuff

Post 110


are yall gonna start a new band then?

Made up stuff

Post 111

The 1 and only Elkherd

Not unless Orifice version 3 lose their new drummer. And he's good (its the Jazz band drummer, spike). More likely I'll start something fresh.

Made up stuff

Post 112

Mark B

Yep, Incarntion 2 of SKF begins, the new Onic Skrew crew are on the job...... .......... er......... .. . .. . for... you! Go the re in the end.

Made up stuff

Post 113

The 1 and only Elkherd

Speak English, man.

Here's an idea that might encourage me and Spike here more often: move to an adjacent, less over-full forum. How about it Saffire? It is your page after all.

Made up stuff

Post 114


ive got an empty forum beggin for people right next door on my page---shall we ditch this one?
smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishon the moooooooovesmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

Made up stuff

Post 115


Ermm.... where would that be?

Made up stuff

Post 116


ok im a sped and i dont know how to put the link here...well...maybe thisll work... if not, sorry! -saffire

Made up stuff

Post 117


You don't actualy have to bother with all that stuff in forums, just type the address, and it will automaticaly become a link for you.....

Made up stuff

Post 118

Mark B

See you on the other side guys...

Made up stuff

Post 119

Teaserman the Discontinuous

Hello. I am Teaserman. I am in the process of buzzing every forum in the H2G2 universe. Buzz. Thank you.

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