This is the Message Centre for saffire

Hi Saphire

Post 61


well here ya go spike:
i am a sapphire goddess/teenager stuck in a godawful town in silly land called america...and i looooove the dave matthews band...
thats about it!

Hi Saphire

Post 62

The 1 and only Elkherd

We're still on his page?

I'll just check.

Hi Saphire

Post 63

The 1 and only Elkherd

I have confused myself.

We're still on his 'researchers to check out' page, but we're not in his 'posse'. And that makes me mad.

I suggest we block their driveways with piles of roadkill Elks. :->

Hi Saphire

Post 64


oh but that would be quite unpleasant wouldnt it?
-saffiresmiley - winkeye

Challenger Ready

Post 65

Mark B

'Scuse me, what's going on? Elk, I didn't come here last night so you missed me, did you get the email? Was talking to Tasha and Fe on AOL chat. Can you do that? I mean a direct email message link from to Aol? Anyway, my stats are: 25ft high, robotic head, three bionic arms, a bionic crabclaw and caterpillar trax as legs. My torso is made from plasteel and the rest of my body is a genetic compound which incorporates titanium fragments. My computer is inside my left nostril and I can psychically type (but not very well as you can prob. tell). I'm tellin' Safffire me stats as you already know. I'm actually a transformer called Zig.

Contender, you will go on my first whistle

Post 66

The 1 and only Elkherd

And a parrot on your shoulder who whispers secrets to you about the dark and the light, eh?

I think saphire should be most annoyed by your 'fff'/'ff'/'ph' colour blindness.

Contender, you will go on my first whistle

Post 67


eh - no matter... and i am most intrigued... i have never before met a transformer, or an elk boy for that matter, in my life!
buhbye for now
-saffiresmiley - winkeye

Contender, you will go on my first whistle

Post 68

The 1 and only Elkherd

Oh, spam. I've just noticed you actually spelt you name with 'ff', the American way. It's me you should raise a point of order with. (-withdraws into shadows-)

And I've never met an animate crystal before. smiley - smiley

Contender, you will go on my first whistle

Post 69


could my monument be an animate blue crystal then?
i realize i should be writing this in the forum on your new and improved page but im here so im requesting a monument right here in the wrong forum...
umm....... i dont believe saffire is the american seems to be my own personal spelling of the word...and so it makes no difference to me how anyone chooses to spell it...but tank you for being so consideratesmiley - winkeye whatever

Gladiator you will go on my second whistle

Post 70

Mark B

Orifice is dead everyone, unlucky, Hi Saffire, looking supersweet as usual, Hi elk, looking like a sickly farm beast as usual, Hi the rest, looking like a collective bunch of researchers. Transformers, are actually very cool, as were the thundercats. I've got a thundercat friend. cya

Gladiator you will go on my second whistle

Post 71

The 1 and only Elkherd

Don't forget Inspector Gadget. An Elk is not a farmyard animal. It is a type of deer that roams wild in Scandanavia, with palmate antlers.

Saphire - a name is merely a label anyway - burn your dictionaries! A blue crystal - okay, however, if it is animate I will need some life dust from the fire mountains. (Please ignore that)

Gladiator you will go on my second whistle

Post 72


supersweet eh spike? well thank you - you are looking quite dashing-in-a-robot-sort-of-way yourselfsmiley - winkeye
elk - i am a deep blue animate crystal (who just got her drivers license actuallysmiley - smiley) and thank you so much for bringing my monument to life with you dust from the fire mountainssmiley - smiley

3, 2, 1... GO!

Post 73

Mark B

I too received a liscence, allowing me to double park in carparks (i have two car sized caterpillar trax you see?), do you drive a mini? I have a ford Ka, nice eh? (kinda futuristic), nice one for passing Ps. Elk has a farm cart (heh heh heh). Is madmunk cool as Elk said? Why not on Posse Saffire and Elk?

Go, go, go, go, Atari Teenage Riot!

Post 74

The 1 and only Elkherd

Oh, sweet innocent 16 year old Spike, how can you drive when the age limit in Britain is 17...

Sorry to blow your cover there. The Ka's your parent's isn't it...

Yeah, Madmunk was cool until I realised there was a full class system at work in his links pages...

Lets have some more dots... ... ...

Go, go, go, go, Atari Teenage Riot!

Post 75


the Ka?
my license is in my wallet!!!!!!!
is the protestagainstmadmunksclasssystem still on?
-saffire smiley - winkeye

Saffire hasn't got a clue what these subjects mean

Post 76

The 1 and only Elkherd

The Ka is a very small car in Britain. And the one Spike claimed is his is his parent's.

Oh, why do I put him down so much? He is v cool. Not as cool as ice, though. Maybe about 12 degrees C. I am of course about 7. smiley - smiley (-waffles off into sunset, which turns out to be hotter than anticipated-)

Saffire hasn't got a clue what these subjects mean

Post 77


youre damn right i havent got a clue what these subjects mean...
if ice is about 0 degrees C then i am 100 degrees C - hot as the sunset!
-saffire smiley - bigeyes

Saffire hasn't got a clue what these subjects mean

Post 78


Hey, now this just is not fair, you can't verbally assault me behind my back AND launch a protest without me even being in a country with a net connection to defend myself...... smiley - sadface
Anyway, my links thingy is NOT a class system......
no really, it isn't! anyone can get in my posse, it's just those who have specifically requested to be on there in the correct forummy thingy that get on there.... which yolu havn't BTW, so don't come running complaining to me....
Just to prove that i really am a good guy, i'll put you both (or all three, if you 'really' want) onto the posse list, as soon as i get back to UK, OK?.... gees.... the guilt trips i have to put up with..... smiley - winkeye

Saffire hasn't got a clue what these subjects mean

Post 79


heyhey madmunk - good to hear from you!!!!!!!! *tries unsuccessfully to erase all previous forum entries discussing the protestagainstmadmunk*
hehhehheh - hows the trip going? good to see you havent fallen off the face of the earth yet! thanks a whole big bunch for your big heart and soo soo sorry about not requesting the possee membership on the right forumsmiley - winkeye

Long titles suck and take up far too much room and slow down all my

Post 80

Mark B

Hello Madmunk, I am not against you! I dont have a car saffire sorry, but often indulge in underage joyriding. Elk still has a cart however. Seen austin Powers 1 and 2? Star Wars fan? Like books? Like hitchhikers? I like Lord of the Rings and other fantasy and sci fi. Gday Elk, go go go go go ATR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reading Man!!

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