This is the Message Centre for saffire

HI Saphire

Post 1


I said I would pop over to see you. I haven't a lot of time at the moment. So I will return.

Why don't you pop back to my page and put jims link on your page, then you will be able to see who is on line.
BFN vegimansmiley - smiley

HI Saphire

Post 2


I popped in as well, seeing as you were nice enough to leave a message on my page. Cheers! smiley - bigeyes

HI Saphire

Post 3


thanks for stopping by guys - it means (she says in a sappy sentimental sort of way) *a whole lot* to mesmiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 4


Oh Saphire MadMunk has gone weak in the knees.

LivLuv&Bhappy vegimansmiley - smiley

HI Saphire

Post 5


Hey, veg, give us a hand back to me feet, will ya?... smiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 6


hope you are able to get up mr madmunk! what is this i hear of you vanishing from the shores of wherever for some very extended
period of time?????????????????????????? you better get up or else youll miss your flightsmiley - smiley

HI Saphire

Post 7


Yeah, unfortunately for me, i have to leave Sunny(????) Wales on Tuesday, to head out to the UAE for a few weeks, so i won't be able to visit H2G2 very often smiley - sadface

HI Saphire

Post 8


what on earth is UAE???????smiley - bigeyes

HI Saphire

Post 9


I've answered that in the other forum your in, but for reference
UAE is United Arab Emirates, just at the tip of Saudi Arabia.
Nice place, but hot, VERY hot.... smiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 10


Home from home then.

Hey, who am I going to recommend to newbies while your away.
What was it about 5 weeks. Sorry you can't go and leave me this way.

I'll file for divorce
vegimansmiley - smiley

HI Saphire

Post 11


hehe, well, you could always point them towards Pastey's great new help page. the URL is:
It's pretty good. and covers nearly everything.

HI Saphire

Post 12


a little madmunk-withdrawal?????????
funny thing is - i believe i might soon be suffering from the same thing, even though ive only just met this astounding creaturesmiley - smiley

HI Saphire

Post 13


Ooh dear, have i had that much of an effect?... smiley - winkeye
How will everyone cope without me?.... smiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 14


the time is growing near, isnt it?
well, adios, mi principe de walessmiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 15


looks like madmunk has finally departed...

HI Saphire

Post 16


Or maybe not.... smiley - winkeye
Due to unforseen circumtsances, i won't be leaving for another few days. smiley - smiley

HI Saphire

Post 17


heh heh heh - i was wondering why you were still replying to my forum posts...
good unforseen circumstances or bad?
thanks btw for the help on bringing my dave matthews fishie 'home'smiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 18


No problem with the fish, i like helping people.
Anyway, no, sorry, bad unforseen circumstances....smiley - sadface

HI Saphire

Post 19


ohsmiley - sadface
my heart goes out to you...are they terribly bad? should i have my dave fish sing a happy song for you?
on a brighter are still here @h2g2...when are you leaving?
-saffiresmiley - winkeye

HI Saphire

Post 20


No, not terribly bad, just not good....
But your right, at least i'm still here for now, till friday. smiley - smiley

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