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Is anyone else lost?

Post 1


Seriously though. Is anyone else lost, spiritually(as dicey a word as that is)? Does anyone else get that feeling of...momentum, like you're being propelled towards the end of the tunnel faster than you can register what just went past you and the only light at the end of it is a flamethrower? Other people don't help, so I thought I'd ask you lot.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 2

Researcher 162794

To feel lost would be to accept that there is a direction or a goal that we are seeking. Is this true, where do you want to be might be a more constructive question! Survival and procreation is what life is about. If we want to complicate it in any way why don't we try to become greater than what we are instead of feeling that something is missing is we don't have a tv in our bathroom and internet access through our watches so that we can see what we want to buy and then purchase from anywhere anywhen. Have we de-evoled so much. I feel lost because i feel isolated, there has been a loss of integrity and focus on the beauty and joy possible in this world and how can you maintain a spiritual peace when you are interfered with constantly ? Why am i what i consume. Why are people so arrogantly impressed with a "Humanity" of intolerance ignorance and shallow disires and diversions. How can I feel love? What is love, i think that it may be a marketing gimmick. Peace doesn't sell.

Do i help?


Is anyone else lost?

Post 3


It's got nothing to do with consumerism. It has to do with who I am, and I of all people should know the answer to that. I've never had enough money to worry about the car I drive or the quality of my sound system. I guess it's morbid, but I just worry that one day I'll be 70 years old in a nursing home and I still won't be any wiser as to the nature of anything. Maybe I'm setting my sights too high.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 4


you will only know the nature of anything when you the the meaning to the question of life the universe and everything, and as we all know this is improbable (this is improbable instead of impossible as due to the infifnite improbability drive shows that any impossibility is a finite probability, that id if you have a hot enough cup of tea)to know the answer and the question at the same time, as the universe will explode and be replaced by something larger more complicated than before. So you might as well get on with getting old.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 5

St. Sabryn

I think the key is to enjoy who and where you are now, and worry about the future when it gets here. If anyone knows how to do this, would you mind letting me in on the secret?

Is anyone else lost?

Post 6


I think the reason so many of us feel completely lost at sea in the world today is an overabundance of information. This is generally a good thing. Info is empowering, isn't it? But whereas previous generations were raised under a specific set of beliefs & morals and rarely called to question what they were raised to believe, we have so many philosophies, religions, and scientific whatnot coming at us every day from tv, radio, bilboards, friends, & strangers, how are we supposed to know what to belive. My apologies by the way for that run on sentence. Finding a set of guiding principals one can adhere to these days without constantly questioning oneself is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 7

Bugada The Almighty

Have you ever heard the term, Ignorance is bliss? well, I think you hit the nail right on the head there, whoever you were. It isn't information though. It's sense. Individualism. I don't know exactly how to describe it. non-conformism. Everyone wants to think things out for themselves. I did, it took only four years, which is nothing, but I came up with a belief system that is sound and, if a bit cynical, I believe makes sense. The easiest way is to ignore those "lost" feelings is to think inside yourself, and just argue to such an extent with anybody who tries to pressure you into their belief system that they just give up. No external pressure allows you to more efficiently evaluate your own feelings and thoughts, and come up with a plan almost as individual as those new cell-phone plans we've been hearing about.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 8

St. Sabryn

You are so right...while I have no clue how to remedy the situation, I do feel better having someone else it put into words. Thanks! smiley - smiley

Is anyone else lost?

Post 9

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Texas, I'm looking for Texas. That way you say? Thanks mate, big of you. Wha..? Oh, that way! Thanks Podner. Wha..? Over there? Great I'll try that...

Is anyone else lost?

Post 10


Why would you want to go to Texas? Consider being lost better than knowing where your going because once you know where your going you actually have to get there. Where as being lost, you can go wherever you want. Its all total lunacy. Maybe we should all be commited to Asylums, ever consider that one? Then again maybe not. Oh well, i have no soul so i'l see you all in Pergatory.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 11

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Texas? It's a Pedro thing. Or maybe it's Mexico I'm looking for...
(Note: Purgatory with a U - the root word is purge as in expunge or separate out the useless, undesirable bits such as purging files etc)

Is anyone else lost?

Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Unless you meant Perc-atory which is a coffee shop just outside the barrio.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 13


yes, it is a wilderness out there, but then again, here is seemingly wilder? where am I? Who am I? What can I eat?

Is anyone else lost?

Post 14

Bugada The Almighty

you are in a little world created by ignorant men and women. You can eat anything that moves. you are an ignorant man or woman.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 15

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

The culture, technology, politics, economics, etc....yes these were created by Man (and woman I suppose but I don't want to afix blame).

The world itself however was created by Chance and will do quite nicely without us.

Can I have a large black coffee and one of them Taco thingies...

Is anyone else lost?

Post 16


Politics, I never believed in that anyhow. As to who/what did/didnot create this, its probably not a matter of creation rather anti-creation; removed from previous non existant realm to yet another space in which, well, perhaps; am I here?

Is anyone else lost?

Post 17


"We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad...."

at any rate, I agree home-built philosophy is definately the way to go. It's alot of work and will most likely blow up in your face a few times, but the effort is worth it.Keep an open mind and give every new idea a chance. Never stop questioning yourself and your ideals. It's the only way to find out what you can truly believe in.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 18

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Or to find out you don't really have to believe in believing. The sun comes up in the morning; that's not an article of faith, it happens. Beyond that everything is in doubt. I mean what makes us believe we have to believe in something? Believe me it's all quite unbelievable.
Where's that Taco, Pedro? I gotta be in Tiajuana by sunrise!

Is anyone else lost?

Post 19

Bugada The Almighty

That's just it, I don't believe in anything. It's easy.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 20

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

You paying for this coffee pal? Thanks.

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