A Conversation for Hangover Cures


Post 1

Jenny and Fred the cheese

hangovers are also caused by llamas, highlighter felt tips and fermented turnip mash, well it was one of those three.


Post 2

Commander Zero

While the fizzies may be entertaining, especially when even the room can't seem to stay still...

This is FAR too much effort to complete successfully in the wee hours of the night (especially when blotto).

I'd suggest just drinking as much water as you can before going to bed... in fact make it a game, perhaps. A contest.

After a certain point in the evening, stop bouncing quarters into your beer and bounce them into glasses of water, the large the better and no smaller than 32 oz. The loser has to drink the whole glass.


Post 3


it sounds completely bonkers.. but if all methods to avoid hangovers have failed, and in the morning, you can neither see or move to get a glass of water/vast amounts of aspirin.. I recommend a large banana milk shake, bare with me here.. the cheap ones you can buy from EVERY corner shop.. it really works, although you must take care not to follow on the previous might's trend of downing it, that could cause major stomach upset, and utterly foul up the hole opperation.
Instead, drink it slowly and simply wait for your stomach to settle.
Works a treat, I promise.


Post 4

Researcher 47215 Burnout

If you take the last piece of advice make sure u don't touch any Mac Donnals Milkshakes as they really upset your stomach and make you hurl a goood one. Also the Tabsco and coffee method does nothing but make you feel worse. As i'm 15 does anyone know a really quick sobber up method so that i never get caught again by my parents ?


Post 5

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

Porrige(is that how you spell it?) and lots of it also have a whole packet of polo's after to get rid of the smell of alcahol, and if you hide the packets they'll never know........well probably!


Post 6

DJ Savage

Ask any alchoholic, Lucozade is the answer!


Post 7

Chasing Apex

Simple answer to hang overs is.....
To drink throught it.
Hangovers are coursed by people who
wake up drunk after drinking to little
If you have large amounts of drink then
you wake up still drunk their for NO Hang over

Simple Realy


Post 8

Mark Moxon

Yeah, it's a lot of effort, but believe me it's worth the effort, not just because it gets rid of your hangover. The sight of Berocca reacting with the Disprin and Alka Seltzer really is a treat.

Go on, try it. It's up there with lava lamps.


Post 9


I agree, drink through your hangovers.
Not only does the hangover disappear but you'll be able to finish off the remains of last night's kebab and curry dinner you attempted to eat.

I managed to drink through my hangover for three years (also known as University) and having just finished, I can feel the start of an almighty hangover on its way and I have nothing left on my over draft!!!

Or prehaps I need a great big milkshake.


Post 10

47318 - I am a number not a free man

What everybody's failed to mention is the worst kind of hangover:

The kind where you wake up and can't remember half of the previous night...(okay I know it's not strictly a hangover, but it's prety bad you must admit!)

Of course, even worse than this is the knowing looks you keep getting from your friends during the course of the day...

Been there, done that, puked over the t-shirt.


Post 11

Researcher 47215 Burnout

Thanks everyone for the advice I'll try them all over the next week and tell you how they work. Also the bad thing about getting drunk is acually remebering what you did the night before or it is at lease for me. Is anyone getting drunk tonight coz I definately am. Being drunk is the best especially when your with your mates girlfriends and your girlfriend.


Post 12

Researcher 48297

"ice cold nice cold" coca cola is a winner as well, but it has to be the full leaded variety, and that stuff in a packet that you mix with h20, they give you in hospitals to rehydrate you after you've had your stomach pumped is pretty good - also good for jet lag (bizarrely). But fags, coffee and aspirin is usually what I do first.


Post 13

Jenny and Fred the cheese

getting a mate to try and shoot you works a treat


Post 14

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Dark room, no noise, damp towel, sleep. Get a friend to ring the boss. A friend you can trust. Extremely embarrassing arriving at work the next day and the boss asks "where's the plaster".


Post 15


2 nurofen before you start drinking and 2 when you get back in (cos it's ibuprofen rather than aspirin so doesn't react with the alcohol and cause you to vomit in your sleep - believe me not pleasant).

If all else fails, copious amounts of coca cola and kettle drinks (once you can actually eat of course!)


Post 16


I find a huge heart disease inducing greasy fry up works for me, the sort lorry drivers eat.


Post 17

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Looking after llamas and lava lamps while wearing chilled liqorice straps as hair nets has the effect of taking your mind off the hangover. In the short to medium term anyway.


Post 18


Having some experience with this subject, i have found that a surefire hangover cure, besides sleeping until the next day(after hangover), is eating a large and copious breakfast, or lunch, or even dinner if you got THAT plastered the night before. Now i admit, having a hangover and facing a large amount of food that will have to enter your mouth and travel down your shellshocked throat to your alcohol repository(your stomach), is quite a daunting task at first. It has even been known to induce vomiting in some. But if you use the banana milkshake method(slow and steady), eventually the food(preferably of the bready type) will hit your stomach, begin soaking up some of the poison sitting there, and you will begin to feel slightly better. As your condition improves, i find speeding up the consumption process to be highly entertaining, but thats my personal preference. Afterwards, relax for a little bit, possibly take a trip to the can, and you will be hangover free.


Post 19


Ihave alkways found me at my best when I have had lots of bready articles such as naan bread, or at a streatch, lots of regular bread with cheese, and copious amounts of water.
The hair of the dog should not be that frightening, It does not mean you have to continue drinking at that time (or this may be preferable), but A shot will recover your equilibrium, and sustain you well through the day. More than one shot though, if you are working, will screw you up big time.


Post 20

Mad Duck

I agree that a large Bannana Milkshake does actually work, but I have been told by lots and lots of people that if you eat two bananas before actually going out you can avoid a hangover.

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