Aliens On Earth

Hello to anyone on this planet, as a resident I would like to extend my hand to anyone who is or isn't of this planet. Having lived on this planet for 14 years i have leared of 3 aliens in my own town one has a large nose and great crainial and nasial capacity. the next one has a short stature and extreamly ginger hair also strange sounds can be heard coming from him. The last is extreamly dangerous having extreamly small ears I can only guess that he uses somekind of telepathy contact with the last alien can be deadly as he can use the vulcan neck pinch to great effect. Lastly they all want me to join them this could be the start of brand new alien relations and i will be the ambassador I must write this incase I am abducted by the aliens. I will continue this account when I return.

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mistxes Sep 5, 1999


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Researcher 47215 Burnout

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