A Conversation for The h2g2 Assassins guild

At the Door...

Post 1


*There is a knock at the office door.*

At the Door...

Post 2

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*opens the door, the hinges creek showing that i is not used often*
to waht do i owe the pleasure?

At the Door...

Post 3


*points out that there was a perfectly good office already in use, and that if one simply clicked the link above or below which states 'The Fleet Admiral's Office' then one could find said office without needing to create a door which is likely never to be used again*

smiley - smiley Nice to meet you.

At the Door...

Post 4


*The butler walks in bearing fresh water for the plants therein. As the view turns around, the eye of the camera settles on Mystrunner, sprawling across the mantle of the fireplace, a little musty, but grinning. He gets up, and dusts himself off.*

I'm sorry to bother you, but...

At the Door...

Post 5

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

no bother... but pray tell what brings you to this place...?
and you dident have to go down the chimny... theres a perfectly good window...
*points towards window that is curently locked and cthe drain pipes are coverd in grease aint and the trelece is horable loose and theres a moat far below with Aprentice assassins swiming laps *

At the Door...

Post 6


At the Door...

Post 7

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

At the Door...

Post 8


At the Door...

Post 9

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

At the Door...

Post 10


At the Door...

Post 11

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

At the Door...

Post 12


this is the entrance to the whole guild then...

At the Door...

Post 13

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

At the Door...

Post 14

BaruBary the cursed (formerly Isross) and Be'tra Gi'bla (Jedi)

*An unknown man in a cape approaches the door*

Now then...

*Picks up several bags of silver and puts them up on the door*

That'll teach em...

And so it begins...

At the Door...

Post 15

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*looks at the bags of silver*
you left them at the door... and thats ment to bother me...
well on guild property guild law stands, we will have to take your life i am afraid... if you hold still it wont be painful

At the Door...

Post 16


*Gets on horse quickly and rides away*


*Leaves the grounds quickly*

You aint seen the last of me!.

At the Door...

Post 17


At the Door...

Post 18

BaruBary the cursed (formerly Isross) and Be'tra Gi'bla (Jedi)

*Gets on horse quickly and rides away*


*Leaves the grounds quickly*

You aint seen the last of me!.

At the Door...

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

khamsin i thought you just rode away smiley - laugh
this other person... must pay
(and i just aced them... tut thats newbies for you)

At the Door...

Post 20


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