This is the Message Centre for Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

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Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The iceberg slowly moves northwards.....

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Post 2


But a sudden change in current turns it southwards and...

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Post 3

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

.....a colony of King Penquins suffer from whiplash.

All is not lost though because floating past is a......

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large group of pilot whales who like nothing better then to...

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Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...pop into shallow bays where they can entertain humans with their strange skill of swimming on land. A skill some humans replicate when walking on water. A word of warning: this skill should not be used if you have holes in your feet.

Meanwhile things are heating up on the iceberg. I think the penquins are plotting to......

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Post 6


...tow it to Tasmania and sell it to the Devils living there because they could really do with some ice for there G & T's! This plot may fall foul,however,because...

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Post 7

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

The QE2 is in the way - and it will destroy the iceberg never caring if it sinks itself because......

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Post 8

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...on board are a colony of nuns dressed up as King Penguins and their choral singing is drowning out the QE2s.......

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Post 9

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

death lament of the chugging engines. The nuns are on board because.....

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Post 10

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

.....of a dodgy ticket deal organised by a corrupt official at the Vatican's travel agency.

What is that coming over the horizon? Could it posibly be........

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...Captain Marvel, saviour to all good kiddies everywhere?

Unfortunately, just when it seemed that he was going to do something about this mess...

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He was re-integrated back into picture he had so ruthlessly torn in order to make his escape! This resulted in an embarassing hole in his....... smiley - winkeye

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Post 13

Wowbagger continuum. The good news was that this was actually a help to the penguins because...

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Post 14

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...he also has a secret recipe to make the iceberg a beautiful lime/lemon colour/flavour and knows where a grove of Juniper trees are growing....alas while the penquins were chatting a school of hungry orcas began circling the iceberg. Are they doomed or are they....

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Post 15


...just going to become fodder for Billy Connelly's latest "World Tour Of Somewhere I'm Touring As A Comedian So I'm Being Paid Twice?". It could be that or is it Michael Palin's latest "Going From One Place To Some Place Else" series? Or even Clive James' latest "Postcard From A Place Where I Look Like A Fat Sweaty Perosn Who Doesn't Belong"?

While all of these English based travel celebrity documentary makers slowly trampled the orcas (their natural enemy) the good news was...

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Post 16

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I have been made redundant. The whole saga is posted on my home page. Just above the new entry on killing cockroaches. It seemed appropriate. smiley - bigeyes

The extra good news is if you read the whole article there is a promise of free drinks at the bottom. I am not making this up. Real wet alcoholic free drinks. smiley - fishsmiley - fish

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Post 17

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

Oh Looney - I'm sorry. Is this why you've changed your name AGAIN.
SO I now have to change my link to you.

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Post 18

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Read the article and enjoy. I named this forum Good News Bad News a day before the axe fell.

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Post 19


In that case we better lay this thread to rest....and come and cheer you up!! smiley - winkeye

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Post 20


Sorry about that. Hadn't read the article and thought that this was a bit like "Flash Gordon+Rolf Harris":
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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