A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite 'Hitchhiker' Moment


Post 1


May favourite: "What a depressingly stupid machine"

It's more from context than from the line itself...



Post 2

Badger B - The Lord High Thingite Archivist

"Oh, pardon me for breathing, which I don't actually do anyway, so I don't know why I bother to say it. Oh God! I'm SO depressed!"

Arthur: "Do you mean you can actually read my mind?"
Marvin: "Yes"
Arthur: "And...?"
Marvin: "It amazes me how you can live in something so small."
Arthur: "Ah. Abuse"
Marvin: "Yes"

Just brilliant!


Post 3


But where is Marvin now?

Try this: http://www.scintilla.utwente.nl/asdfhjkl (Or whatever document there might not be present on th server.)



Post 4

Thin Lizzy

How funny! Mum and I had a damn good laugh!


Post 5

Mr. bartender Sir

ZAPHOD: Hey, where are you?
MARVIN: In the car park
ZAPHOD: What are you doing there?
MARVIN: Parking cars. What else does one do in a car park.

Pure genius.


Post 6

Thin Lizzy

I love Arthur's description of him as being an "Electronic sulking machine".


Post 7

Flynn - General Secretary for the Ministry of Stuff That No Other Ministry Wants To Take Charge of, E.g. Rechargeable Batteries

referring to being abandoned on a desolate planet for the best part of the entire life of the universe - "I think you ought to know i'm feeling very depressed."
Or, in the same phone conversation, "'Would you like me to stick my head in a bucket of water? I've got one ready. Wait a minute'
'Er, hey, Marvin...' interrupted Zaphod, but it was too late. Sad little clunks and gurgles came up the line."

Plus he reminds me of the maths lecturer i had before he had a nervous breakdown and left teaching to become a writer.


Post 8

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

"Now I lay me down to sleep,
try to count electric sheep,
sweet dream wishes you can keep,
how I hate the night.

Now I lay me down to bed,
Darkness won't engulf my head,
I can see in infrared,
how I hate the night."


Post 9


"Is that your robot?" asked Slartibartfast.

"No,I'm mine." came the reply from Marvin.

"Life,loathe it or ignore it,you can't like it."

"But Marvin,there's a whole new life opening up in front of you,"said Zaphod

"Oh no!not another one,"came the reply


Post 10

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

How could we forget....

"Life. Don't talk to me about life."


Post 11

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed."

"You watch this door, it's about to open again. I can tell by the intolerable air of smugness it suddenly generates."

"He [Zaphod] decided that there must be someone in he Yniverse feeling more wretched, miserable and forsaken than himself, and he determined to set out and find him. Halfway to the bridge it occurred to him that it mght e Marvin and he returned to bed."


Post 12

Alison (ACE)

"Making it up?" said Marvin, swivelling his head in a parody of astonishment. "Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent any more of it."


Post 13

Les - Sole Representative of the Manifestations of the One True Tigger <boing>

This is possibly the definitive Marvin speech, only to be found in the second radio series:

Oh - look - I appear to be lying at the bottom of a very deep dark hole. That seems a familiar concept. What does it remind me of? Ah, I remember. Life. That's what lying at the bottom of a deep dark hole reminds me of. Life. Perhaps if I just lie here and ignore it it will go away again.

Or then again, perhaps not. To be perfectly frank with myself, if it didn't go away as a result of me falling fifteen miles through the air and a further mile through solid rock I'm probably stuck with it for good. Why don't I just lie here anyway? Why don't I climb out? Why don't I just go zootlewurdle? Does it matter? Even if it does matter, does it matter that it matters?

Zootlewurdle zootlewurdle zootlewurdle......


Post 14

And Introducing... A Leg

The first 10 million years; they were the worst. And the second 10 million; they were the worst, too. The third 10 million I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline...


Post 15

arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!

i've got this terrible pain in my diodes, all down the left hand side...
not so much for the quote itself, but the way it continues all thru the books.


Post 16


Zaphod:Hey Marvin!Good to see you. How you doing?

Marvin:Fine if you happen to like being me which personally I don't.


Post 17


I suppose you want to see the aliens now.Do you want me to stand in a corner and rust or just fall apart where I'm standing?


Post 18


hey that poor depressed server was funny...don' make me laugh - i'm in the library.

OK, Marvin quote.....
(on the phone in Milliways)

Zaphod:OK we'll be down in a minute.
Marvin:So will I.


Post 19


You think you've got problems. What are you supposed to do if you are a manically depressed robot? No don't try to answer that..I'm 50 thousand times more intelligent thaan you and even I can't figure it out.


Post 20

Thin Lizzy

Marvin counted 1 million sheep before falling asleep half a second later(Or something like that).

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