This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1401

Doctor Strangegloves

Patrick Pen -

Are you suggesting that females are only good for keeping the ship tidy?

As a spokespiece for the hu-woman race, I shall be round your house to cut off your knackers with a butter knife.

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Post 1402


Morning Pat,

OK thanks - how about Brixton?

I don't think Alistair is Jim Slipp. Would love to stay and play but really cannot. (Plus my bloody ISP has started charging all CI customers a penny a minute now - can't get flat rate at all unless we change to Broadband, which has now arrived here but there is a two month waiting list).

Is this........

Post 1403

Pat Pending

Dear Miss Sternley-Feminist,

I didn't suggest it was just tidying. They're also (sometimes) good for cooking (as you prove by your reference to a butter knife instead of a Stanley) and loooking after the nippers, and some of them bring a touch of glamour to any gathering.

Bring it on bitch.

Is this........

Post 1404


HELP! HELP! W**k alert ..!!

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Post 1405

Number Six

Just a quick "HALLOOOO" in passing here, and a plea. Can someone please do something about Ruth McSqueal ? I can't take any more of her pointless 1000 word dribblings. How can someone write that much and say so little ?

Is this........

Post 1406


Just tell her straight!! Mind you, beware 'cos I did that once and she's never spoken to me since ...


Is this........

Post 1407

Doctor Strangegloves

Oh gosh Pat, you're so masterful....i'll just clean the toilet in this french maids outfit with the unfeasably short skirt then.

Is this........

Post 1408

Pat Pending

P K,

Any particular thread you have in mind (It's always soooo difficult to catch up on a Monday!)

Is this........

Post 1409

Pat Pending


Damn right love: and get me a beer from the fridge while you're at it.

Is this........

Post 1410


Why is the Doc dressed as a French Tart? Have I missed something here ..?

Is this........

Post 1411

Pat Pending

I've made him my whore.

How do people read the 5L boards? Do you use "Latest Messages", or do it thread by thread? And if the latter, all threads, or only those that interest you?

Just off to Boots to get a sarnie: anybody want anything?

Is this........

Post 1412

Doctor Strangegloves

I'll have a packet of Crisps please.

Ignore the outfit Bushy - Pat's been going round trying to hypnotise people into voting for him .

Right, need your attention. Volunteer to accept a feed line on a new af thread please - one post, 1 word is all that is required>

Is this........

Post 1413

Doctor Strangegloves

Anybody fancy it?

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Post 1414

Doctor Strangegloves

Don't all rush to volunteer now will you?

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Post 1415


Depends what it is ...

Is this........

Post 1416

Doctor Strangegloves

Just want you to draw out the acronym for a new union - posting it now....

Is this........

Post 1417


What's an acronym?

Is this........

Post 1418

Doctor Strangegloves

Never mind, DH. It doesn't matter. Now just FOIYP.

Is this........

Post 1419

Doctor Strangegloves

Seriously, thank you. Let's see how long the Mods let that one stay up. That'll teach 'em for coming into work with a hangover Monday morning.

Is this........

Post 1420



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