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Post 101

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello Emo,

If you would like a chat, you can leave a message in my PS. I don't think this thread will be active for very much longer smiley - hug

lil x

20 most popular conversations

Post 102

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Why not?

emo_kid-that's meee alright! smiley - vampire

20 most popular conversations

Post 103


Wonderful. What started out as an intelligent conversation about something reasonably serious has devolved into yet another slinging match smiley - ermsmiley - sadface

20 most popular conversations

Post 104

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Yeah, I know. I do apologize to the community at large for allowing myself to get egged-on and drawn along so far. I really ought to know better ... smiley - erm

20 most popular conversations

Post 105

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

smiley - smiley

20 most popular conversations

Post 106

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

So back to the original concerns, ... I re-iterate that if perhaps the techy-staff can re-work the code? It's not likely to be easy to differentiate between journals, PS threads, ASK, the Forum or where-ever. But if it might be a shorter list, say 10? And refreshed every 5 to 10 minutes ... as opposed to every day or three. An intense one-to-one may yet show prominently, but rarely and briefly. The most lively bulk of the list would be the Thingites, Yikes, ASK, faster moving stuff.

20 most popular conversations

Post 107

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

thanks for that information!

20 most popular conversations

Post 108

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Thanks goodness I found this .... via that lovely little link on the FP.smiley - tongueout

I don't have a problem with it because I don't really discuss anything personal onsite - well anything I consider personal.smiley - rolleyes

Unfortunately though I find the site - or rather the posters onsite have become a little less aware of netiquette and indeed expectations of behaviour in the house.smiley - erm

From that point of view I can see where the little link could become a big pile of trouble.smiley - yikes

smiley - 2cents

smiley - mouse

20 most popular conversations

Post 109

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Oh smiley - ok thanks

smiley - tardis

20 most popular conversations

Post 110


Has anyone worked out how Top 20 conversations works yet?

20 most popular conversations

Post 111

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Uuuummmmm, smiley - erm, well we are all (at the minute) having a good chinwag!

20 most popular conversations

Post 112

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I still don't see any rhyme or reason as to how it is assembled, or even how (in)frequently it changes. The site staff have been silent so far as well.

20 most popular conversations

Post 113

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

yeh I also found that too.

20 most popular conversations

Post 114


It changes every day in the early morning.

There are threads from days ago and threads started yesterday so I think it is most posts in the last week, something like that.

So it takes a while for some threads to drop out the list even when not newly posted to. This thread has now disappeared from the list from this morning so a week seems a reasonable guess.

There was a problem with very long threads at one time so perhaps it specifically excludes anything over 2000 posts or something. Eurovision is over 2000.

20 most popular conversations

Post 115

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

smiley - wow Thanks!

20 most popular conversations

Post 116


Well it would appear that the "or something" is more correct here.

It can't be 2000 posts as there is a 2000+ post thread on the top 20 list today.

2000 was just the first large number I thought of as I imagined I read a conversation once upon a time.

20 most popular conversations

Post 117

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Yeh, thanks.......!

20 most popular conversations

Post 118


you can find the most recent stuff here:


'most popular' is a mysterious algorythm... smiley - huh

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