A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback


Post 21

Jim Lynn

Just email your CV to [email protected] and we'll consider it.


Post 22


surely there is a limit to the humour of making references to the novel over and over again. Either the plebs will run out of fodder or they might begin to think independently?


Post 23


surely there is a limit to the humour of making references to the novels over and over again. Either the plebs will run out of fodder or they might begin to think independently?

Thank You

Post 24

Researcher 36494

From researcher aka 26444 Fenchurch
Thanks for replying, my CV has been sent although I had to re-register at work to reply. Have you considered/is it practical for researchers to be able to retain their ID and login from any PC, thus avoiding duplication and wasted space?

Thank You

Post 25

Jim Lynn

We're working on passwords, so you can log in to any PC.

What is h2g2

Post 26

Researcher 34261 Con

I agree there is a lot of dross, but let not the h2g2 be simply another dry knowledge bank, let us keep the humour with the information - after all, isn't that what we all have in common and why we are all keen to see this thing work? It's the humour of the original that unites us.

Guide entries

Post 27


How about also having an entry for each of the definitions in The Meaning of Liff...

Thank You

Post 28


Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Don't you get that warm fuzzy feeling
when you say Don't Panic, to someone and they give you that knowledgable
smile back! You know you are in the wrong universe when you say "Goodbye,
and Thanks For All The Fish", and everyone blanks you!

Now to things technical, why, oh why for 9 solid hours yesterday did I keep
getting MOVED PERMANENTLY, everytime I posted a message. Have you guys
not paid the telephone bill, or what?

Thank You

Post 29

Jim Lynn

Hmm. Which browser are you using? When you post, we send a redirect message to your browser which should send you right back to the forum, but in your case it would appear it didn't work.


Post 30

Researcher 33717

There's Jim playing with his tool again!

Thank You

Post 31


I've occasionally had Moved Permanently messages on some sites when I have set the browser to connect via a proxy server. I think that some proxies do not process redirect messages correctly and this message is displayed.

Thank You

Post 32


Thank you both, but being a humble technophobe I wouldn't know my browser from my proxy server if I fell over them. Anyway,
it seems to have righted itself, as I've been posting all weekend. Thank you again tho'.
Can I just say (no sorry there isn't time)- I got bored with h1g1 quotes, so I reverted to Pythons. Anyway, I just want to say that h2g2 is so super fab and groovy that it has turned a computer hating, www-bored, give me a text book any day,
sort of person, into an addict, in three days. Life is just not as we know it, oops there I go again, and I have forsaken
work, study, socialising and sleep, to be on this site. Is there a cure?
Should I be worried?


Post 33

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

This is a common phenomenon amongst researchers, and indeed editors (Jim) as we log on in the wee small hours "just to check" on replies (at least that's what we tell ourselves) we find hours go by as we click the links that take us tantalizingly close to other late night posters, yes I was only 42 minutes away from my latest replier.. the chase continues...
As you can see, normally concise individuals easily mutate into burbling space cadets.
I wish you continued addiction,
Regards, Fenchurch

What is h2g2

Post 34


I agree with all the above, especially the contradictions (its easier that way). This guide is something that has been missing from my life. I would like to see a section on the ultimate sceptic, the Ruler of the Universe and The Lord. I wonder what he would make of all this. Someone should take him an internet connected PC.

Hey, I'm first...

Post 35

Brian 2000

Yes, that's the crux of the whole thing. Guide fan or not we can all add knowledge to this potentially vast resource. The only thing that worries me is that it is full if users chatting to each other and trying to work out how the sytem works. But there are NO editors in evidence. In these early days, before it all becomes automated we must have human editors answering questions and giving quidance. Where are they?

Hey, I'm first...

Post 36

Brian 2000

Brilliant - you've hit the nail on the head.

Image removal!

Post 37

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

Dear editors now I've managed to put an image on my page A31555 Florence, but I'm seeing double, I've checked the code on my edit page, it does not appear to be duplicated, please can you fix it/tell me how to fix it?
Thanks, Fenchurch

Image removal!

Post 38


Just so you know, I replied over at the entry itself.


smiley - smiley


Post 39

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

dont for get the first worst, poetry,
also if you look at ESP, there is a small discusion on SEP fields. smiley - smiley

Hey, I'm first...

Post 40

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Please tell me if the 6th has come out yet, Ive been looking for it for ages, I belive its called "Zaphod learns it tough" or some thing.smiley - winkeye

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