A Conversation for SG-8 Barracks


Post 21

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Hehe, don't worry about it make your new mech stronger and have a EMP shield as such it won't be damaged by emp/ion cannons. You may also upgrade it with weapons and you can lay mines just remember that.


Post 22


mines? i didn't think about that hmmmm
next planet i'm puttin up space mines that'l teach shal'pek
i don't want to put too many weapons on it, cause its for building
but i will put lots more weapons on the deathglider, btw someone crashed a glider into SG-7 so i made a deathglider simulator in the form of a video game one has to beat the game to get certified to fly a deathglider its in my barracks


Post 23

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Haha good idea, you can spread the word around....

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