A Conversation for Gate Room

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 181

Reality Manipulator

Yes Reefgirl I can fly it.

I have made a weapon with the blue crystals which I can channel my thoughts through and connect to the mind. It is similar to a Jaffra's but alot smaller, the size of an small umbrella.


The Other Side of the Gate

Post 182

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

That's smiley - cool

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 183


cool. a lot happens in 2 days don't it? Now, where was I? Oh yes

Calling, well, anyone...*static*...went to investigate crystals...got lost...*static*...Jaffa all around...*static*...oh cr*p!...*static*...

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 184

Reality Manipulator

His Divine Shadow and Smilodon Prefect
I have made several more weapons.


The Other Side of the Gate

Post 185



The Other Side of the Gate

Post 186

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Me thinks your wepons are about to get field tested, I think smilodon needs help, lets get in that death Glider and go searching

*opens Gilder and Studies wepons console*

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 187


*takes remainder of team and engages the Jaffa guarding the deathgliders.*

don't worry reefgirl! we got your back!

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 188


*static*...Jaffa nearby...heading this way I think...*static*

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 189

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ok JA start her up

*JA starts up glider and they take off and head for the Jaffa*

It's a good job I had a light breakfast

*Runs hands over console and fires two rounds at the jaffa*

WOOHOO it works, ok another pass and we'll fire again

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 190



The Other Side of the Gate

Post 191


*having defeated the Jaffa guard creachy moves his team into position to lay down cover fire for smilodon to escape so reefgirl can do her thang!*

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 192


*starts to move in the general direction of the gate, crouching to avoid getting shot

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 193

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*lays down covering fire so Smilodon can leg it to the gate*

can we fly this thing through the gate so Dragantha can study it

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 194


*runs past to safety

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 195


*looks to be enjoying the demise of the Jaffa*

i love the sound of my P-90. rat-a-tat-tatta-ratta-tat. yeah baby!

*stops firing as the Jaffa appear to be retreating*

ahhh, where you going? i was just getting started. Zaphos, you take a partner and go collect the left over staff weapons, smilodon are you in need of medical attention?
if you could blanket bomb the woods where the Jaffa went that would be swell

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 196


One of them shot me with a zat...thats why I didn't reply for ages. A[ert from that I think I'm ok. While I was hiding I came across this
*holds out green shimmering crystal

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 197


SG-2 will probably want a look at that. make sure you you let SG-2 know you have it when we get back.

when you have finised having fun you are cleared to pilot the deathglider through the gate. i take it JA is bringing the other one?

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 198


*makes way towards gate

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 199

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

let them know we're coming in and not to worry, I hope the mid-air brakes on this thing work

*heads for the gate*

The Other Side of the Gate

Post 200


*leads team back through gate and prepares for the arrival of the deathgliders*

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