Gate Room

5 Conversations

Stargate's Portal Forming

In this gate room is the Earth's Stargate. It is used for many purposes. Most cases for traveling and trying to make new allies or to take out enemy troops of Goa'uld.

The Stargate forms up a blue liquid which acts as a worm hole to a distant galaxy with another Stargate on the other side. Earth has developed a defense against enemy troops from coming through Earth's stargate such as building a 5 inch think titanium iris. It acts as a shield to the stargate. So as enemy troops come through they just bang right into the stargate killing them instantly. Trust me you don't want to leave home without your personal Iris Deactivator.

In this very room is where the SG Teams shall depart to there missions. It takes 7 shevrons to activate the stargate to a distant galaxy. This way back to Stargate Command

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