A Conversation for Cleaning Out the Alternative Writing Workshop
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 7, 2006
A7556033 America's Army - The game rather than the actual army
A7410575 Bestiality - Hidden
A7032421 Failed Fate - Announcement of a grand if slightly patronising plan that, er, hasn't turned up (all right, there's one bit of it further on - A7060268 - possibly need looking at together)
A5948940 "Badass" - Appreciation of the thing itself and directions to Collective
A945696 Chat Rooms - Already mineswept (nadia and Waz)
A7037282 english to latin translation please help - Should be in Ask (probably was as well)
A7037282 Regrettably Unchanged - Ah ha! Fence Posts! I knew that was going to turn up somewhere... (UGed)
A6218228 Vogons - One-line HHGTTG
A6241628 RobB - By RobB and, er, that's it... just letting everyone know he's 'here'
A5344751 Laval - Or not, as it turns out: a top-of-the-head ramble
A5855060 Wild Goose Chases - Little HHGTTG job (same author has another four around the same place with a little more meat on them)
A5432140 Circumcision - I'd say FM for this one (no EG Entry on the subject)
A5048066 internet pornography furthur - Hidden Nooooo...
A4558566 Harrier Jump Jet - Flea Market again
A4628379 Crap Monkey - Brief, not totally unfunny (I assume this is an objection to the behaviour of a pet cat), but had its time perhaps
A1130987 Rhyl - This should be pointed back to the EGWW (author is still around, it's not that far off readiness)
A1155467 Money - Two sentences
A4235807 No Subject - Emptied by the author at some stage
A4232341 H2O - The first one-word Entry I've found (go on, guess...)
A4184174 What do our police do? - Ask or Journal entry (or local newspaper's letters column?)
A4146879 Life, the Universe, and Everything - Brief HHGTTG attempt (oddly, not all of the several with this title are...)
A993936 How to Drive Girls' Nuts - (Should you know any girls with four-wheel-drive 'Nuts') comments on the thread seem in agreement on this one and I'd say it should go
A3961974 A Breakfast to Jump Start the Day - I was expecting something really over the top (you know, an entire black pudding in a bun or something) and it's not, it's just a recipe (I mean, all right, it's not sunflower seeds and a rocket and mozzarella salad, but it's not a real cardio-vascular jump start either).
Eek - good place to take a break - that's mid-May 2005
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 7, 2006
A381999 How to Leave the Planet - HHGTTG (from the US omnibus, I think)
A4025855 Vogon Poetry - HHGTTG (same submitter)
A4019834 What to do when... - HHGTTG (and again)
A3983312 a long night - Content deleted
A3960597 Mostly Harmless - Deleted (have a funny feeling we've already spotted that one)
A3888462 mjalby - A joke? Too bleary to get it anyway
That's back to early 2005 - they're drying up a great deal, so this must be already mineswept country.
Starting to think that maybe that's enough for now - I haven't worried about AGG/GAG/CAC or any other outlets apart from the UG: strikes me that just because it's been CACed... well, how many people trawl through back issues of CAC looking for things? Just as likely to be encountered here and, if there's still some interest to them, then maybe they should stay in the AWW?
Once we've bitten off a chunk of the obvious ones, then we can fine tune the process - actually propose and second 'down there' for a start and see what happens if and when they're woken up.
Stage Two would be working our way through these, proposing and seconding and waiting to see if there are objections...? What say? I don't want to do it too much, too fast, because everything at the head of the mines would get swamped.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Wilma Neanderthal Posted Oct 7, 2006
Huh?! Whassa? Sorry, were you speaking to me?
Jeez, Trin, I've been sat here just watching you. Everytime I think of a reason to change my tag, something crops up again. You are now officially to blame for me being gobsmacked.
Anything I can do to help? Or does cheering from the sidelines still count?
I can't believe you got through all those.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 7, 2006
Oh, well... cup of and a bun of some sort would be very nice
Nah, those are - I think - just the obvious ones: there's plenty where there's going to be a good deal more deciding needs to be done, which is why I thought we'd leave those till the next stage (when, hopefully, we get into minesweeping as a regular activity whenever we find something that's been lying around way too long without comment or development).
I'm going to wait till we know how to get lists of Entries to be removed to TPTB - really don't want to swamp them with hundreds and hundreds all at once - so, after enquiries, I'll go through what we've got (gradually) proposing a move on the AWW threads and then waiting for a second, then get a list together... make sense?
Minesweeping, September 2006
LL Waz Posted Oct 7, 2006
"How to?": email lists of. Carefully, carefully timed emails of lists of.
Makes good sense. Where it's deleted entries, one word entries, ads for web sites, questions that should be in 'Ask', I'm tempted to suggest just listing and emailing rather than stirring the AWW for them.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 7, 2006
I'll second that I'll put together the ones where I don't think there's any debate to be had.
*slurp* *munch* Eeeeeeeeeeeee...
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 7, 2006
(Odd - I drink far more coffee than tea in RL, but somehow, on hootoo, the tea smiley seems always closer to hand. Just ... shorter, I suppose).
How many do you think, then, for an opening salvo? With PR removals, the Eds always ask for at least twenty, so it's worth their while - about twenty-five or so? There's at least that many one-liners and the like. Maybe throw in a few elvised UGed ones as well (where there's no author to ask).
Minesweeping, September 2006
LL Waz Posted Oct 7, 2006
If they say twenty - yes, 25 or so. Up to 30, if there's that many in the undebateable category? My list up there wasn't exhaustive - could add clear cut cases where the the author's elvis.
There are so many, we do, like you said, need to be careful of stirring up the AWW and swamping newer and good entries.
Got to ! Have just noticed time... ooops.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 9, 2006
Twenty-seven successfully removed!
Leaving us with (for convenience's sake):
A3487926 How to change your date of birth - there's a smile in it but it's under developed.
A3874593 A Documentary: Nacirema snaftrops - neat germ of an idea, again under developed.
A3862064 Misconceptions - would also need developing and the author was a one week only back in Apr'05.
A3898182 - A Plate of Chips - as sprout said, 'an old school DNA-lite entry!' It would work and the author was another post-the-film one week only researcher.
A12760076 World Cup 2006 - A journal entry in the wrong place
A749324 i like cheese - Bunged in by a second party for reasons of ... cheese?
A11750410 On truth, reality... - Promoting the author's website, by the looks of it
A10222831 Flyball - Author's not been back (should be in FM?)
A10892991 Things kids learn on their own - Lack of substance? A bit Hallmark-y, no comments
A3187488 Talking Dirty - Deleted
A10242019 Life What is it All About - Wibble
A10225234 - Hidden (9/11 conspiracy theories to judge from the title)
A9639390 Help Me! - Eposina's first AWW entry, should be in Ask really
A4122046 What to do... - HHGTTG bobbins
A9645663 The Concerts of Mind - Probable breach of copyright here, poem to be found elsewhere on the web in any case
A8669334 God What is Religion Anyway? - Ill-advised missionary work
A8937246 Something Random - Poor idea, no response
A8636097 Gods and Religions - A list, basically
A7900607 A Christmas Party Story - Journal Entry
A8134201 Suspended Animation - Brief HHGTTG (all right, Red Dwarf technically, but you know what I mean)
A7480848 George Best - Weird one: the Entry is a brief tribute to GB, the thread has a whole other poem on it which doesn't appear to be the researcher's own and is, apparently, in breach of copyright
A8107607 Who Is This God Person Anyway - CACed, dormant in the AWW
A8181588 The Actual Truth - Brief, no responses
A7556033 America's Army - The game rather than the actual army
A7032421 Failed Fate - Announcement of a grand if slightly patronising plan that, er, hasn't turned up (all right, there's one bit of it further on - A7060268 - possibly need looking at together)
A5948940 "Badass" - Appreciation of the thing itself and directions to Collective
A7037282 Regrettably Unchanged - Ah ha! Fence Posts! I knew that was going to turn up somewhere... (UGed)
A5344751 Laval - Or not, as it turns out: a top-of-the-head ramble
A5855060 Wild Goose Chases - Little HHGTTG job (same author has another four around the same place with a little more meat on them)
A5432140 Circumcision - I'd say FM for this one (no EG Entry on the subject)
A4558566 Harrier Jump Jet - Flea Market again
A4628379 Crap Monkey - Brief, not totally unfunny (I assume this is an objection to the behaviour of a pet cat), but had its time perhaps
A1130987 Rhyl - This should be pointed back to the EGWW (author is still around, it's not that far off readiness)
A1155467 Money - Two sentences
A4184174 What do our police do? - Ask or Journal entry (or local newspaper's letters column?)
A4146879 Life, the Universe, and Everything - Brief HHGTTG attempt (oddly, not all of the several with this title are...)
A993936 How to Drive Girls' Nuts - (Should you know any girls with four-wheel-drive 'Nuts') comments on the thread seem in agreement on this one and I'd say it should go
A3961974 A Breakfast to Jump Start the Day - I was expecting something really over the top (you know, an entire black pudding in a bun or something) and it's not, it's just a recipe (I mean, all right, it's not sunflower seeds and a rocket and mozzarella salad, but it's not a real cardio-vascular jump start either).
A3888462 mjalby - A joke? Too bleary to get it anyway
Plus the UGed ones (etc.), which I'll get to in a bit (did do the octopus one though, since that had already been proposed and seconded)
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 9, 2006
I think there's some left somewhere...
On to the slow bit then? (though there may still be a few more where we don't need to wake up any threads). As you say, Waz, slowly, slowly, especially while the voting round is still ongoing.
Also, those UGed ones, there may be the chance to ask a few of the authors via other routes.
New thread for Entries which have been mineswept (we can then take them from there and make up new lists):
Minesweeping, September 2006
LL Waz Posted Oct 9, 2006
Just over the shock.
It is good news... but I wish we could have Sept's picks back!
Off to sub to Oct thread.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 9, 2006
It was amazingly quick!
And there was a sense of "Ah well, in that case..." But I'm restraining myself
I had a look through the UGed list - I'm not sure asking people to take them out themselves is going to work in fact. There's a few, certainly, and especially towards the more recent end of the list, but I think we will have to go through the full form for the most part.
Minesweeping, September 2006
LL Waz Posted Oct 9, 2006
The batch I sent in for categorising aren't in yet either. You must have hit just the right time!
Not sure requesting removals will work either - you mean because of Elvii? Perhaps then use the techique of 'as we now have this displayed in the UG archive etc... don't worry if you don't know the process we can arrange it all and will do that anyway if we don't hear from you '
UG'd authors who want entries to stay for people to find - fair enough, I reckon.
Actually, I'm kind of reluctant to ask with fairly recent ones, because they're some of the author's best pieces in the workshop. Am I being wimpish? Should we give them three months grace... dunno.
Anyway, you can add A1015002 (Missed Footing) without further ado. Not submitted by author, so not removable by author. And RAFwing's definitely not around anymore for A953318 (Gallina). I don't recognise any others like that.
Minesweeping, September 2006
LL Waz Posted Oct 9, 2006
There should have been a '?' after '...we don't hear from you ' - it was a suggestion I was wondering about.
Am off to see if there's anything I put in there that's long in the tooth.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 9, 2006
That makes sense. If we start with a few of the old ones and work forwards, it's going to be a long while before we reach the recent pieces anyway.
Certainly shouldn't be pressure on anyone to remove anything. It's been an eye-opener, trawling right the way through... so many goodies down there!
Minesweeping, September 2006
LL Waz Posted Oct 9, 2006
Don't do too much at a time, Ben made it a goal to read and comment on every entry and having done it didn't really take part in the AWW again.
I've two I put there, excluding one currently in our pipeline. I think they've potential so I'll leave them for now though I've always found other enries to vote for.
One's Tom the Pom's. Seen his stuff? U235897. Think I'll word the Post - he has so much, really interesting, but very hard to read the way it's presented.
Minesweeping, September 2006
UnderGuide Editors Posted Oct 11, 2006
*steps in*
Trin Tragula, take two of these, lie down and stop working so hard.
Minesweeping, September 2006
Trin Tragula Posted Oct 11, 2006
Wooooooooooooooo... pretty colours!
I was just leafing through (scrolling down?) Tom the Pom's stuff there - fascinating. Yeah, The Post could do something really good with that. Or CAC could, even... just to get all that in digestible form.
Key: Complain about this post
Minesweeping, September 2006
- 21: Trin Tragula (Oct 7, 2006)
- 22: Trin Tragula (Oct 7, 2006)
- 23: Wilma Neanderthal (Oct 7, 2006)
- 24: Trin Tragula (Oct 7, 2006)
- 25: LL Waz (Oct 7, 2006)
- 26: Trin Tragula (Oct 7, 2006)
- 27: LL Waz (Oct 7, 2006)
- 28: Trin Tragula (Oct 7, 2006)
- 29: LL Waz (Oct 7, 2006)
- 30: Trin Tragula (Oct 9, 2006)
- 31: LL Waz (Oct 9, 2006)
- 32: Trin Tragula (Oct 9, 2006)
- 33: LL Waz (Oct 9, 2006)
- 34: Trin Tragula (Oct 9, 2006)
- 35: LL Waz (Oct 9, 2006)
- 36: LL Waz (Oct 9, 2006)
- 37: Trin Tragula (Oct 9, 2006)
- 38: LL Waz (Oct 9, 2006)
- 39: UnderGuide Editors (Oct 11, 2006)
- 40: Trin Tragula (Oct 11, 2006)
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