A Conversation for The five pillars of Islam: Imaan - Faith

Peer Review: A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 1

Rik Bailey

Entry: Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan) - A969915
Author: Muzaakboy - Better than the right thing is one who does it. - U208494

Salaam it is all finished!

I hope this is ok.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 2


Hello again Muzaakboy.
I think this is an extremely informative and clear article.

Obviously I don't know enough to make many detailed comments, but in the section on messengers/prophets, the title heading was missspelled as 'Messangers of Allah', and I wasn't clear if Nabis are meant to be prophets, and I was also unsure if prophet and messnger are suppose to be equivalent terms.

You also seem to often use "Muslim's" as in "Muslim's believe that....". In that kind of usage, you should omit the apostrophe, and just write "Muslims beleive that..."

It is a bit too late at night for me to make a more detailed inspection of your article, but I do think it is an excellent one which will help people understand Islamic beliefs, and I will definitely re-read it soon.

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 3

Rik Bailey

Ok thanks.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 4

Rik Bailey

The difference between a messanger and prophet is that one was sent with new rules to man kind while the other folowed the rules laid down by a previous prophet, some times they added new rules to it, when told to by Allah.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 5


Adib, from:

"Muslims believe that Allah has sent down many messengers or prophets to the world at various stages of history, to guide mankind. These messengers are known as Rasools and Nabis. The difference between a Rasool and a Nabis is this:

A Rasool is a prophet that received a new Shareeat (divine law) and book form Allah, while a Nabi follows the shaeeat of a prophet before him. This means that while all Rasool's were Nabis not all Nabis where prophets."

What I am unsure about is the precise relationship between the terms messenger, prophet, Rasool and Nabi.

My best guess is that the terms 'Rasool' and 'prophet' are equivalent, as are 'Nabi' and 'messenger', and that a Rasool is a specific kind of Nabi who recieves a new Shareet, but it isn't easy to be sure, mainly becuase 'Rasool' and 'prophet' seem to be used interchangeably in the second paragraph without it being made completely clear that they have the exact same meaning.

If I've got that right, it might be clearer as something like

"Muslims believe that Allah has sent down many messengers to the world at various stages of history, to guide mankind. These messengers are known as Nabis. A special kind of Nabi is known as a Rasool.

A Rasool is a prophet who received a new Shareeat (divine law) and book from Allah, while all the Nabis who were not Rasools followed the shareeat of a Rasool before them."

One other thing I wasn't sure of was whether there are still Nabis around at this point in time, following the shareeat of Muhammad, or if they are all in the past.

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 6

Rik Bailey

What I am unsure about is the precise relationship between the terms messenger, prophet, Rasool and Nabi.

Well I'm not sure if in christianity there is a difference between a messanger and prophet.

To us a Prophet bought down a complete book while a Messanger would be someone who by God's command followed and preached from a earlier book.

Meaning the relationship is Rasool is the same as prophet, while Nabi is messanger.

Regarding the are there any Nabis around today, well we believe not because in the Qur'an we are told told Muhammad is the last Rasool, and nabi to be sent by God.

Meaning there is to be no more Nabis after Muhammad or Prohets.

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 7

Rik Bailey

As salaamu alaikum

I have edited the entry a little, to refine some statements, and cleared up my bad spelling inshallah.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 8


How's this going? Is it finished?

smiley - panda

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 9

Rik Bailey

I believe so, I'm just waiting to see what anyone says about it.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 10

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Personally, I found the way this entry was organized to be a little confusing.

From the title and the introduction, I expected the entry to be about the five pillars of Islam -- but this entry is actually solely about the first pillar, Faith.

I think revising the entry and title to make this more clear would really help.

smiley - 2cents

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 11

Rik Bailey

When I wrote this, it was because of the lack of writing about the five pillars. There where numerous mentions of the five pillars and a brief summary. The point of this article and the other four, of which I still need to do two and a half, is to anaylise the five pillars in more detail.

Thats why this one, is called overview of the five pillars of Islam part one (Imam). There is to much to write about on all five pillars to put in one entry, so I decided to write them all in seperate entries, but keep the same name so that people can see that they are related to the other ones.hence the part one, part two, part three etc.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 12

Beth [h2g2]

Hi Muzaakboy,

A really fascinating entry, with a clear and detailed description of one of the Five Pillars of Islam. And it'll be an impressive body of work when all five are finished!

If you could just make a few small changes in spelling and grammar, maybe give it another read-through for 'sense' - that'd be great.

A couple of examples are:

- Potholer's comment on the spelling of 'Messangers' still needs addressing. Should be 'Messengers'.
- In your title, you mention 'Imaan' and further down 'Imaam' - which one is the right spelling?
- Under the heading 'Allah'- 'its self' should be 'itself'

Hope this helps and doesn't take too long to fix!
smiley - winkeye

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 13

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

I agree - I think this is ready to go, but it does need just a little more tidying up before it's ready. The sub-editors do have time to make minor changes, but this still needs a bit more...

One of the main things that seems to be missing is commas. Roughly speaking, commmas indicate pauses or places where you'd take a breath if reading it out loud. In that last sentence, the comma after 'speaking', indicates a pause and makes it easier to understand. If I'd just said 'Roughly speaking commas' that would make no sense, but the function of the comma indicates a pause and the start of a new section of the sentence.

In the section on Allah where you discuss the meaning of the word, it's worth putting the names in inverted commas to show when you are talking about the word 'Allah' or 'God' rather than about Allah/God. Like that...

I think it's worth putting the sections of the entry that are in Arabic into italics to make them stand out - you can do this like this ... Salaam

Under fate...

"The non-Muslim view of fate holds that Allah has commanded these things to happen, and that people have no control over the choices they make, and so it is not fair to hold people responsible for their actions."

Probably better to say "Muslims do not believe that Allah commanded these things...." as plenty of non-Muslims also do not believe that people have no control over their choices.

I hope this is useful. I'd like to see this in the guide, but it just needs a little more work before it's done....


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 14

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

How is it going?

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 15

Rik Bailey

I think its ok now.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

Have just posted a comment on the style on your entry on the second pillar; I think the advice there applies here, break it up a bit with full headers instead of subs.

Also, I think one or two parts need some quotes, for example: -Sallallahu alaihi wa salaam means may peace and blessing be upon him.-

Would be better as - 'Sallallahu alaihi wa salaam' means may peace and blessing be upon him.-

- ordered to blow the soor - would be better as - ordered to blow the 'soor', perhaps with Bugle in English. instead of the brackets.

the Stars will loose there shine > lose their shine
revealed in there complete > their
All Muslim's know > Muslims
Unworhty people will be > Unworthy
woman her self is > herself
of course non-of these things > none of

This may all sound fairly minor, but it's these bits of polishing that will make it really stand out. Sort these out and personally, I think you're ready.

Great work Adib! smiley - ok

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 17

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, and don't forget - pillars!!!

smiley - biggrin

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 18

Rik Bailey

Ok, I think I have dealt with all the typos you all mentioned, thanks a lot for your help on that level.

I finally found out what you ment by 'pillars' as I missed the one in the title, dumb old me.

I Broke it up in to seperate headers as advised on some other post and I have put the arabic sentances in Italics.


A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 19

Skankyrich [?]

Adib, this looks great. I think your entries will be a fantastic adition to the EG, well done!

I'll try to scour the last three pillars for typos as well, but it takes a bit of time as your entries are quite long! But will try to sort it out for you by the end of the week.

Keep it up! smiley - biggrin

A969915 - Overview of the five pillers of Islam part one ( Imaan)

Post 20

Rik Bailey

well I still have to write parts four and five and I am half way through writing part three. Inshallah I will finish soon

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