A Conversation for The h2g2 Winter Party 2003 Caption Competition!

The Results

Post 61


that's the tribble with people like you.

The Results

Post 62

Lifson Kofie

When's this tribble draw happening anyways?

The Results

Post 63


Monday I reckon! I need to ask the other winners if they want to enter!

The Results

Post 64


yeah enter me..it'll keep the cats company if I win it!

The Results

Post 65

Lifson Kofie

Any tribbble news yet?

The Results

Post 66

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Err, Lifson, shouldn't FaultyTowers be spelt "Fawlty Towers"? Just a thought....

smiley - ale

The Results

Post 67

Lifson Kofie

Yes, but in HTML terms that would make "towers" a parameter of "fawlty". It's possible to see it like that, as the "towers" are one of many posessions of "Faulty", just as "car" would be. However, I am putting it forward as a single idea and therefore there is no space.

...I think. smiley - erm

The Results

Post 68

Mu Beta

I think the tribble should be awarded to whoever understood the above post. smiley - smiley


The Results

Post 69

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Err, I think I followed... you mean the towers are faulty, not the the towers belong to Fawlty?

smiley - ale

The Results

Post 70


smiley - erm

Surely towers would an attribute of Faulty or Fawlty, rather than a parameter?

smiley - geek

Does that mean I win the tribble? smiley - winkeye

The Results

Post 71


It certainly looks as though lifson wants to have a faultytowers tag. Without the matching closing tag it could have been a smiley though! smiley - biggrin

I'm with Abi in voting that would put TOWERS as an attribute of FAWLTY rather than a parameter - though one which does not require a value (like TABLE BORDER in real HTML as opposed to GuideML). There's no evidence for it being a parameter (lack of ? character). So we are left in no doubt that the towers are in fact faulty. smiley - winkeye

Now to speculate on what sort of mark-up might be applied to the text enclosed by a faultytowers tag. Is it put into the moderators' in-tray, displayed in black on black, animated or hidden behind some other feature? So many possibilities... smiley - bigeyes

The Results

Post 72

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

It is only visible if you film the computer screen at 21fps. Which would require a clock wound camera, a darkroom and a film chain...

The Results

Post 73

Lifson Kofie

I seem to have caused some confusion here. Allow me to clarify...

• Abi - you're right - I meant attribute, not parameter - the darned pills are sending me to sleep, and my brains gone all fuzzy!

• The spelling is "Fawlty" - not "Faulty" (as I recall - part of the joke was that it sounded the same, without being so blatant as to look the same)

• The towers belong to Fawlty (Basil Fawlty), the towers are *not* faulty.

• By having no space between the words, I am proposing the principle of it being a single thing - so that you can only have as opposed to , , (?!) etc...

Any better?

smiley - geek Lifson smiley - coffee

The Results

Post 74

Mu Beta

smiley - headhurts

Anyway, if you did have a smiley, wouldn't it be rearranged into an amusing anagram every time?


The Results

Post 75

Lifson Kofie

Maybe that's it!!! A tag would rearrange the enclosed words into an anagram!!! There are programs out there that do that already, so it could work!!!

And the smiley could be animated (like smiley - disco) to cycle through the anagrams!!! The first could work really well, although the second there might be © problems with.

The Results

Post 76


So who's going to write the javascript and present it to Jim? smiley - winkeye

The Results

Post 77

Lifson Kofie

Well my coding is so bad it'd bring the site down - although I might have a word with my better half. He's great - although he will always deny it. However, he's knee-deep in revision at the moment - so he won't have time for a while.

The Results

Post 78


All this discussion about Fawlty and you still haven't changed your nickname though, Lifson (or should that be "so effink oil"). smiley - biggrin

PS The TV programme used to cheat on the anagrams.

The Results

Post 79

Mu Beta

Yes, I seem to remember that...


The Results

Post 80

Lifson Kofie

Yes - I must remember to change it occasionally - although that will probably cause even more confusion.

I like my anagram!!! Mad, but cool.

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