A Conversation for The h2g2 Winter Party 2003 Caption Competition!

The Results

Post 101


Mina is raiding the post room this afternoon so we should be able to get most of the prizes out today. smiley - smiley

The Results

Post 102

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Oh good, coz I'm moving house soon, and for various reasons not leaving a forwarding address.

smiley - ale

The Results

Post 103

Lifson Kofie

Yay - prizes!!!

Is it one of the squeeky shaky tribbles? If so - it might be a good idea to take the batteries out in case the post office decide it's dangerous!!! If it's a static tribble (smiley - laugh) then there shouldn't be a problem.

The Results

Post 104


>>>Is it one of the squeeky shaky tribbles? If so - it might be a good idea to take the batteries out in case the post office decide it's dangerous!!! If it's a static tribble ( ) then there shouldn't be a problem.

It is a huge one. That might not go out today - we need to find a box for it.

The Results

Post 105

Lifson Kofie

smiley - biggrin

If it'll help with the postage any - when you find a box, you could send everything at once. I'll wait if needs be. smiley - rainbow

The Results

Post 106


To Mina and Abi

I think the whole competition was a terrific success and I am not too bitter and twisted about not winning my first million or even a mug. But I would very much like to say thanks again for a great night and when is the next one!!!
smiley - cheers

The Results

Post 107


Well you deserve thanks too loosehead

If it wasn't for you I'd never have heard about the competition, so *when* you deliver those hobnobs, you can use my mug smiley - biggrin

The Results

Post 108


Well I hope that the packaging used this time around is a little stronger than that used in the past.

When I won a t-shirt in the last competition, the postman arrived on my doorstep saying, "We think this is for you. It's the only loose article plus burst and empty package we've recieved in the depot today." smiley - yikessmiley - erm

The Results

Post 109

Lifson Kofie

smiley - laugh

And they still delivered it! Eastbourne seems to be good at keeping parcels - edible, spendable, or not! I've had to track down 3 (out of loads, but that's still a lot) which for some reason they decided to hang on to for a couple of weeks!!!

The Results

Post 110


I'm a regular eBay trader, so I've built up a good working relationship with the postal services over odd shaped parcels. They know me at the depot and that really helps when you hit problems with something.

The Results

Post 111


GD we will make sure yours is in two jiffy bags if that will help.

Guys, bad news I am afraid. The BBC network went down yesterday afternoon and I only had one address that wasn't in my email. I am working from home today, but tomorrow we will get out all the prizes that are outstanding. Lifson, i am still not sure how we will ship the Tribble but it has your name on it.

If you are waiting for mugs, we are still searching for something sturdy enough. Unless you like them in pieces.

smiley - grovelsmiley - grovel

The Results

Post 112


Cut down photocopy paper boxes plus lots of bubble wrap is a good way of shipping mugs smiley - ok

The Results

Post 113


Oooh you are not just a pretty face are you?

The Results

Post 114

Lifson Kofie

He's not that either!!! Just you wait till the summer meet Mr. Desk. Ha!

As the man said - photocopier boxes. If you can get one of those and cut it down, shove some scrunched-up used newspaper in for padding (cheaper and sturdier than bubblewrap!) and get a load of parcel-tape or gaffer-tape (my favorite!!!) to secure it all closed - it should survive even the trials of Royal Mail!!!

We're using a photocopier box, sealed with gaffer-tape and a hole cut in the top as a ballot box for this years college elections! Is there nothing they can't do!!! smiley - biggrin

The Results

Post 115


Ha! You're moaning about the jibes. What about the bloody photograph, I'm still not talking to J over that one smiley - grr

And I would advise against using newspaper. It is very difficult to get it uniformally scrunched enough to ensure that there is no movement of the packaging. Also it is heavy so adds to the postage cost.

The Results

Post 116

Lifson Kofie

smiley - erm What photo where?

You will be at the summer one won't you GD?

The Results

Post 117


Well if you don't know about it, then I'm not enlightening you smiley - nahnah

The Results

Post 118

Lifson Kofie

Oh well - I'll just have to hunt for it.

Whether you're there in the Summer or just next winter - you won't be laughing then!!! Take the mick out of my smiley - spork? Not any more you won't!!! smiley - grr

The Results

Post 119


Oh do! I know where most of the h2g2 photographs are. smiley - winkeye I just don't know which one is GreyDesk. smiley - erm

Actually maybe it's better if I don't look/know though. The last person who insisted on showing me their photograph by posting it up in a group area looked like a serial killer. smiley - yikes I'd been imagining the person as this cute and adorable spiky metal space ball until then. It's going to take a while to get over that one. If anyone doesn't understand what's cute about a spiky metal ball you probably need to bear in mind that I think daleks are cute and adorable psychopathic pepperpots. smiley - biggrin

The Results

Post 120

Lifson Kofie

I always loved the Daleks as a kid - still do. I thought the Klingons were kinda cuddly too (not as cuddly as IM though!).

I've met GreyDesk, so I know what he looks like, but the photo isn't in the caption comp. I'll have to have a look for the external meet photos link page again.

smiley - runs to find it...

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