A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

Tuc's Memorial

Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Tuc Fortuneswell U183120 joined us for the Cat War we started with the HooToo Cats (A601174). Sadly Tuc was in an accident and he was taken from us in April of last year. We built a memorial to Tuc at A743294.

We're proud of the memorial - there is an honour guard there and we look after it as if it were a real place. It's a haven of peace and the researchers that remember Tuc visit there often. It helps us remember Tuc.

Tuc's Memorial

Post 2


I remember feeling very humbled the first time I saw that memorial. I joined four months after he died, yet incredibly by looking at his conversations on h2g2 it felt as though the man was still alive. I suppose thats the side effect of h2g2, its a bit of a time machine. I can only imagine that for Cal and Dax it must have been very difficult that they could still *see* him speaking.

You have every right to be proud of that memorial, and certainly makes anything I've done on here pale in to insignificance. I think it is one of the strengths of this community that people will immediately help those in need, even if they have never met them before in their lives (in real life or on h2g2).

Tuc's Memorial

Post 3

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*doffs hat*

Hi Vercingetorix, I've been around here for a few years now and it's the community in it's totality that I'm proud to be a part of as well. The generous impulses of the researchers, the spirited discussions, the deft touches and care of the italics, the intellectual richness and the sheer brilliance of the humour all give this place an utterly unique and very special feel.

Yours was a very generous comment to make - thank you so much - it made me feel 10 feet tall smiley - ok

We don't have a manly slap on the back smiley yet so have a smiley - hug instead smiley - winkeye

Tuc's Memorial

Post 4


Although I never knew Tuc well I could and can see that he still is a much loved and missed member of the h2g2 community.
smiley - hug
The memorial for him was a beautiful and moving piece and its shown how much he is thought of still
smiley - rose

Tuc's Memorial

Post 5

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

H2g2 a place where great friendships are forged.

I couldn't beleive the generousity of the people who helped Dax and I after Tucs accident. The people here made our loss so much more bareable.

And I have more good news. Dax is going to be a mummy, which makes me an Uncle smiley - smiley Does that mean I'm getting old?

Tuc's Memorial

Post 6

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Everyone is old and young at the same time Cal ..... it's just a question of perspective smiley - winkeye

Tuc's Memorial

Post 7


Tell her luck from me
smiley - cuddle

Tuc's Memorial

Post 8

Dax Fortuneswell aka evil auntie Edith

This is the first time I've seen this

Thankyou so much everyone

Tuc's Memorial

Post 9

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - biggrin Hi Dax

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