A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

ST MKII's moments on HooToo

Post 1


Having my first article published in the EG on a condition that I have A9948199 and having had feedback from people who, having read said article, say it helped them understand the condition more and has helped them in some way.

Making some really special friends. These are friends who have stood by me in times of strife and my moments of madness during lengthy spells of illness and depression. (a big smiley - hugsmiley - spaceand thanks to all, you know who you are.smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin )

Meeting same friends in real life, nothing can beat that. The comradeship, fun, help and advice, all second to none.

Being able to help others either with advice on site or via direct contact on all manner of topics.

All in all, as I've said on a number of occasions, H2G2 is THE most unique site on the WWW.

I've looked at and even tried some of the so-called social networking sites and frankly they're not a patch on HooToo.

smiley - cat

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ST MKII's moments on HooToo

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