A Conversation for Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Turn Loose The Swans Posted Jul 30, 2006
I'm thinking I could update the original, but I believe I'd end up deleting and changing so much, well, would it really be fair on the original writer?
I'd be pretty annoyed if some kid thought they could go messing about with my entry...
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jul 30, 2006
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
The editors wouldn't accept an update unless it was better than the original
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
AlexAshman Posted Sep 13, 2006
Well, you can either update that Entry or alter this Entry to sit alongside it with no overlap. The latter would basically involve losing the sections already covered by the "Six Scenes..." Edited Entry, and refering readers to the other Entry at the necessary point(s).
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Milos Posted Oct 19, 2006
Have you made a decision about this yet, TLTS?
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Skankyrich [?] Posted Dec 1, 2006
Given TLTSs last post here in post 40, end of July, I think he's lost interest. I'd suggest a move to FM, as he/she doesn't want his/her work being worked on, so to speak. Shame.
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A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
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