A Conversation for Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Update Forum: A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Turn Loose The Swans Started conversation Jun 3, 2007
Entry: Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene - A9488028
Author: Turn Loose The Swans - U3229570
Hello there. Please excuse me as I'm quite new here. Well, in geological terms at least. Ultimately, I've completed my somewhat average entry concerning 'subgenres of the metal scene' after far too long and all I can remember is that in the past I was told to submit it to the update forum to update the grossly below average entry 'A1084745:six variations of the underground metal scene'. Where was the quality control back in 2003?
Let me know how to go about this.
Of course, if this entry never makes the edited guide, that makes it very KVLT and underground indeed, meaning I'm definitely more grim and metal than a stack of Watain 7"s...lol.
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 11, 2007
Hello, TLTS.
You're in the right place for the update. I'm only just back from holidays, so I'm just looking around at the moment, and haven't given your new version a detailed reading through yet, but it looks as if you'll have a small amount of tidying to do.
1. Remove the header at the very start.
2. Remove any horizontal lines.
I'm not sure about the links to Last FM. I haven't seen those on any other entries. Perhaps someone else would comment?
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Turn Loose The Swans Posted Jun 12, 2007
1) Will do.
2) I thought they broke it up nicer. I will do though.
I thought the links might be of some help to people who wanted to listen to the music, but you're right, I think this may be without precedent...
A9488028 - Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene
Natalie Posted Nov 16, 2007
This conversation will be continued here:
in accordance with new Updating Process.
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