A Conversation for Sub-genres Of The Metal Scene

My first entry guys...

Post 1

Turn Loose The Swans

What do you think?

My first entry guys...

Post 2

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Not my subject. But well-enough written. I won't committ myself more than that because I only had time to skim it.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

My first entry guys...

Post 3


I liked this entry a lot - well written, and you can see that it's been methodically researched. Well done! (I can now identify which genres of rock appeal most to me)

One nitpick though - there are quite a couple of spelling errors in the text, you might just want to comb it over with a spellchecker.

Otherwise, great job - rock on! \m/

My first entry guys...

Post 4


Rush are Canadian!

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