A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.


Post 1


where to begin?? i got engaged on my 35th b-day & 5hrs later he finished wiv me because i pushed him in the pond twice. (funny i know) the reason beiging i did this act was he & my daughter had been playing wiv water guns all day, i was p...off & warned them so i went 4 ring leader. i have said sorry so many times & its 3wks on he wont talk t me. we live 300miles apart, i love him so much he was my best friend & it hurts


Post 2

Existential Elevator

smiley - cuddle

Gawd... Life can be so cruel...

But even if he does see sense, after that charade, would you really want him back<?> It seems like something so trivial blown entirely out of proportion.


Post 3


i know, he tx's my girl & ch@ to her normal but he told her that he had been there b4 & cant go through it again. (it happened when he 7) this may sound mushy but this was the 1st time i had loved someone & let them in my world. sorry it sounds so stupid for someone my age


Post 4

Existential Elevator

smiley - cuddle

It's not stupid smiley - smiley

It sounds like he has commitment issues...I think you have two distinct choices from here. You can either:
a)begin to let go (which might sound a bit harsh, and I'm sorry if it's upsetting)
b) Opt to try and talk to him and get back your relationship, but accept that marriage is unlikely.
Or c) Try to just be friends.

I think all of the above are going to be very difficult, though...

You might want to wait a while to see what Sereph has to say though.. she's better at this than I am smiley - smiley


Post 5


thankyou nehow smiley - smiley


Post 6


he wants t b friends but i dont think i can it. i have male friends but i dont have feelins for then like i do for him.


Post 7

Existential Elevator

smiley - hug

Why not just ask for a little space for now, and see how you feel about it later<?> At leat you haven't lost him completely smiley - smiley


Post 8


Im sorry to have not seen this thread until now.. i mustve forgotton to subscibe to the age smiley - doh

I agree with everything EE has said smiley - smiley If you feel you cant be friends now maybe some time to yourself would be an idea.you migt feel differently after that..are you prepared to let him go altogether?


Post 9


yes i am as its been 2 long now. my daughter has wrote t him this week she thinks we should b bac together...!! anyhow i've started to pack his gear away ready t post down too him.. still wear my ring thou.


Post 10


You'll be fine smiley - hug

Try not to be too hard on your daughter..we can seem selfish when were hurting.


Post 11


i aint been hard on her... got my pic's bac !!! what a downer

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